What are terrorist acts?

Last updated on May 28, 2024

A terrorist act is any act done with the intention to threaten India’s unity, integrity, security, economic security, or sovereignty, or to terrorise people in India or any foreign country, by:

  • Using bombs, dynamite, explosive substances, lethal weapons, poisonous gases, other hazardous nuclear substances, etc. likely to cause:
    1. death or injuries to people
    2. property damage or destruction
    3. disruption of essential supplies or services
    4. damage to India’s monetary stability through high quality counterfeit Indian paper currency or coin
    5. damage or destruction of any property used for India’s defence or for Government purposes
  • Forcefully intimidating a public authority or causing their death
  • Detaining, kidnapping or abducting any person, and threatening to kill or injure them to force the Government or an international organisation or anyone else to act in a certain manner1.
  1. Section 15, Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. []

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