Our Mandate for Change
Our mission is to demystify laws. There are various barriers to making legal information understandable, accessible and actionable. Some pronounced ones are lack of legal awareness, complicated jargon-filled explanations in English, which only 10% of Indians can read. Navigating the system and additional financial burdens make it even more difficult to seek justice or enforce rights and entitlements.
We aim to co-opt technology in a way that legal barriers are bridged and reliable legal knowledge is freely available in English, Hindi and Kannada. We hope to expand to other Indian languages soon.
Legal information is disseminated in simple language to cater to the needs of our diverse audience. Depending on the challenge and audience profile, information is provided in the form of explainers or step by step guides or video/audio format with clear indicators of actions needed to solve legal hurdles. We also provide an avenue for any follow up questions through the Ask Nyaaya section of the website. Our Access to Justice network of district lawyers and law students help users navigate the system till they are able to enforce their rights.
In order to achieve our mission, we are empowering grassroots organizations and community leaders as legal champions, so that they can act as messengers for legal information disseminated in archival and shareable formats.
Our collaborations are mostly with several non-government organizations and civil society organizations. We also work with professionals in various different fields who provide in-depth and relevant information on varied legal topics.
With the help of their review and support, we are building a strong community of informed individuals who know their rights and duties under the laws in India.

Users Reached
Engaged Online Community
Answers to User Queries
Members of the Access to Justice Network
Legal Topics Covered
Partner Organisations
Indian Cities Served
Regional Languages Supported
District Level Lawyers in Karnataka
People Impacted in Karnataka
Legal Literacy Programmes
Kannada Videos on Legal Issues

In November 2022, the first cohort of the Samvidhaan Fellowship with seven district-level lawyers in Karnataka began work with Nyaaya’s partner civil society organisations. They create and disseminate actionable, contextual legal information to underserved communities. The goal is to make people aware of their rights and entitlements and assist them in enforcing them.
Media Mentions
Nyaaya’s campaigns have been featured on multiple national media platforms. Read below to find out more.