Updating Voter ID Card

Last updated on Jun 15, 2022

You can update personal details in your Voter ID Card such as:

  • Name
  • Photo
  • Age
  • Elector’s Photo Identity Card (EPIC) Number
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Name of relative
  • Type of relation
  • Gender

To understand how to update, read more here.

If you require any additional help and support, please see here.

Read this government resource for more information.

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Mithun lalu pathare

August 1, 2023

Ration card is missing new ration card required

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Related Resources

Voter ID Card

A Voter ID Card is a photo identity card that is issued by the Election Commission of India (ECI) to all individuals who are eligible to vote.

Voter ID for LGBTQ+ Persons

A Voter ID Card, also known as the Electors Photo Identity Card (EPIC) is a photo identity card that is issued by the Election Commission of India (ECI) to all individuals who are eligible to vote.

Proof of Residence

To issue different kinds of proof of identification, proof of residence needs to be submitted to the authorities.

Applying for New Voter ID Card

You can obtain a new Voter ID Card either by applying online or in person by filling in Form 6 available on the NVSP.

Getting Identification Proof (ID Proof)

An ID proof contains your personal details, which are useful for authorities to determine and verify your identity

Proof of Age

To issue different kinds of government proof of identification, you will have to submit a document for proof of age.