Silent Zone

Last updated on Aug 24, 2022

An area comprising not less than 100 meters around hospitals, educational institutions and courts are known as silence areas or silence zones.  In a silent zone you cannot:

  • Play any music
  • Use a public address system
  • Raise any sound amplifiers
  • Beat a drum or tom-tom
  • Blow a musical or pressure horn, or trumpet or
  • Play sounds on any instrument, or
  • Exhibit any mimetic, musical or other performances to attract crowds.

Noise at Night 

In silent zones and residential areas you cannot cause noise pollution at night time (between 10.00pm and 6.00am) by:

  • Using the horn except during a public emergency.
  • Burst fire crackers which cause a lot of sound
  • Operate sound emitting construction equipment

If you see any of these happening and you can file a complaint with the police and other authorities who will take action to prevent the noise.

Punishment for Noise Pollution

Anyone who causes noise pollution in silent zones will be punished with jail time and a fine.

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Gayathri Parivallal

September 9, 2023

Loud speaker s in E T block. very much disturbance

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