Right to Choose Source for Medicines/Tests

Last updated on May 31, 2024

Patients have the right to decide where they want to buy medicines from or where they want to get tests done from.1.This ensures that no limit to a patient’s options while choosing pharmaceutical brands or medicines. For example, if a doctor forces you to buy overpriced medicines for the purpose of earning a commission, you have the right to refuse such medicines. Further, patients can get tests done from any diagnostic centre/laboratory accredited by the National Accreditation Board for Laboratories (NABL). You can check for a list of accredited laboratories here.

The doctor or hospital administration must inform patients regarding the information given above. No one can force a patient to buy medicines or do tests from a particular facility. Further, this should not result in unfair treatment if the patient decides to choose their own facility or medicine store.1

  1. Charter Patient Rights, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare [] []

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