Zone-wise Noise Standards/Limits

Last updated on Aug 24, 2022

Every State Government categorizes areas into the following, where various noise standards/limits have to be followed:  

  • Industrial
  • Commercial
  • Residential 

 Development authorities, local bodies and other authorities while planning developmental activity or carrying out functions relating to town/country planning have the responsibility to avoid noise menace and maintain noise standards. For example, the Supreme Court in a case, asked a business manufacturing utensils to reduce noise and bring it within permissible noise limits, as it was disturbing the neighbourhood including teachers, students and neighbours near the business premises. 

Noise Standards in India

Depending on the area or zone, there are noise limits/standards which need to be maintained. If it goes above the limit, then it would be noise pollution. 

Area or Zone Limits in dB(A) Leq* (Day Time from 6.00 am. to 10.00 p.m) Limits in dB(A) Leq* (Night Time from (10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m)
Industrial area 75 70
Commercial area 65 55
Residential area 55 45
Silence Zone 50 40

If you violate these limits given in the table above, then you will be punished under the law with jail time and a fine.

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Helpless residents

September 26, 2022

Very loud noise for garba celebration in thakur village, Kandivali East. Mumbai.
Opposite Oxford School.

Beyond 11pm. Thumping music. School students unable to sleep in surrounding residential areas.


September 29, 2022

Complaint against loud music can be lodged at the nearest police station by calling 100 via the nearest police station. It is pertinent to note that action has to be taken by the police wherever the decibel level exceeds 10dB of the prescribed limit, which is beyond 65dB in the daytime and 55dB at night.

Amit Malhotra

November 29, 2024

Hamare yha din raat factory chalti h aur hamari society ke sath h na raat ko so sakte h

Sathish Kumar N

November 25, 2023

Subject : Request to make strict order to stop Noise Pollution or Nuisance caused by using loudspeakers, bursting noisy crackers during religious festivals, functions Etc. in residential areas and using loudspeakers in heavy vehicles.

Respected Officer,

Despite of having Laws and Boards in India to control Noise Pollution or Nuisance caused by using loudspeakers, bursting crackers during religious festivals, functions Etc. in residential areas, some people are creating trouble to common people using heavy loudspeakers (exceeding permissible dB) and bursting noisy crackers during some religious festivals and occasions which disturbs peaceful stay of common people especially senior citizens having health issues which fluctuates BP and heart functioning, animals like dogs and birds which gets disturbed to noise.

Also, some heavy vehicle drivers are using loudspeakers during night travel which disturbs sleep of residents staying or having homes near road side.

Request to enforce the existing laws strictly, make strict announcements to maintain calmness, Bann the use of loudspeakers, heavy noise creating fire crackers, take necessary actions those who violates laws and creates irritation to public.

Note: If an individual resident go and raise complaint in Police Station individually then some uncultured noise creating local people may quarrel on that resident so I am requesting to enforce an existing orders to implement strictly


October 21, 2024

There are legal remedies that can help you. In residential areas, noise limits are set at 55dB during the day and 45dB between 10pm and 6am. If these limits are exceeded by more than 10dB by vehicles and the people celebrating around the neighbourhood, you can file a complaint with the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) or any State Pollution Control Board, either online or in-person at their respective offices nearest to your neighbourhood. Alternatively, you can contact the police who will then ensure the nuisance is stopped and also, warn the perpetrators of consequences if said actions take place again and an FIR under Section 270 of the BNS (Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023) which deals with public nuisance can be filed. Link: )


December 7, 2024

Continuous bursting of crackers comes under the Public Nuisance Act. Ensure that an FIR is filed with Section 270 of the BNS. According to the section, in public nuisance, what has to be proven is common injury, danger or annoyance to the public at large or to those who dwell within that area or if it can be proven that there is a significant risk posed of any danger to the people or residents at large . The person can initiate a civil suit against the aforementioned authorities under public nuisance
Under the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000, activities which involve a lot of noise cannot be done with the prior approval from the authorities and even then it cannot exceed levels of 55dB. If the activity violates the above mentioned criteria, a complaint can be filed with the required state pollution control board.The SPCB have the power to issue a written order for preventing, prohibiting, controlling or regulating sounds caused by bursting of fire crackers. Bursting crackers after 10 pm is a violation of the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, which limits noise between 10 pm and 6 am.

Rashi Mor

December 14, 2023

How do we know that the sound level is above 55 db? Are citizens supposed to measure? Very loud music processions from Jain community here in the area all day. But how do I know if the level is above 55 db or not?


February 20, 2024

Why sound that 1:38
Agra Uttar pardesh
Kamla nagar Agra Agarwal seva sadan in sound that time listening time 1:49

Aman Vishwakarma

April 14, 2024

Everyday Noise caused in residential area by using loud speaker in religious temple which makes it problematic in studying specially during exams…also it distracted us or cause headache…

Alka Manral

August 20, 2024

I believe your issue is regarding the high volume played in your neighbourhood. Since it is not clear that whether it’s a music system or a loud speaker am listing out the possible solutions : First approach can be asking the person directly .
You may call the nearest police station and Police officer .and the police officer can warn them.
Remedies available under statute
 The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 deal with the use of loudspeakers in residential and other areas. Amongst other sources the Rules will cover loudspeakers as well as music systems. Loudspeakers can only be used after getting permission from the authorities. Even when permission is granted, the noise cannot exceed the ambient air quality standards as specified in the Schedule attached to the Rules. For instance, the maximum level is 55 dB in residential areas during daytime (6 am to 10pm) and 45 dB at night (10pm to 6am). The peripheral noise level of a privately owned sound system or a sound producing instrument shall not, at the boundary of the private place, exceed by more than 5 dB(A) the ambient noise standards specified for the area in which it is used. The noise level at the boundary of the public place, where loud speaker or public address system or any other noise source is being used shall not exceed 10 dB(A) above the ambient noise standards for the area or75 dB(A) whichever is lower.
When any of the provisions of the Rules are being violated, a complaint can be filed with the authority decided by the State Pollution Control Board. The state specific list of authorities is available on the website of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB under the “Authority List for Implementation of Noise Rules”) <> .
Noise pollution is also addressed in criminal law through Section 270 of the BNS which deals with public nuisance. A complaint can be filed against such nuisance, if it causes the annoyance to the public, under Section 292 of the BNS and they might have to pay fine. You can either complain to District Magistrate, or Police Commissioner, or any other officer not below the rank of the Deputy Superintendent of Police as per the Rules

Pooja Shah

May 16, 2024

We are facing high noise pollution because of the construction work going in our next building.

Alka Manral

August 20, 2024

1) In a residential area, the noise limit is 55dB during day and 45dB between 10pm and 6am, according to Noise Pollution Rules (2000). If anyone exceeds this limit by 10dB, you can complain to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) or to any State Pollution Control Board. (List of State-wise authority –
2) You can file a complaint with the police by dialling ‘100’ or file an online complaint. The police can seize the DJ equipment, stop the noise or make a further complaint to the Pollution Control Board.
3) You can also file a case at the District Court with a Lawyer. Section 270 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita deals with public nuisance. A case can be filed under section 292 of the Sanhita for this.


August 22, 2024

In our building STP plant makes noise for 24 hours. Having noise level above 85 db.

Aman Yadav

October 31, 2024

crackers exceeding 80db in residential area in day time 11:30 am, it’s literally a pain in the ear membrane


January 16, 2025

A very loudspeaker noise in the temple just infront of our houses.i wonder how little children are focusing to study. It plays music in very early morning and evening. That should be completely personal choice to worship God in their homes. Not to force everyone to wakeup early morning with panics to worship. Kindly help 🙏

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Related Resources

What is Noise Pollution?

Noise is common in everyday life, but when it goes above a certain limit, it is considered to be pollution as well as a public nuisance.

What are the offences and punishments under air pollution laws?

The offences include releasing of harmful pollutants  into the environment, violation of Pollution Under Control Certificate, etc. 

What is Air Pollution?

Air pollution is the presence of dust, fumes, gas, mist, odor, smoke or vapour, in the atmosphere, in quantities that can cause injury to human, plant or animal life or harm the environment.

Effects of Noise Pollution

Noise can disturb our work, rest, sleep, and communication. It can damage hearing and evoke other psychological, and pathological reactions.

Punishment for Noise Pollution

Causing noise pollution can lead to public nuisance and environmental pollution for which you can be punished.

Disobeying the speed limit

It is an offence to drive beyond the speed limit specified for a road. Most streets and roads have a sign with a number on it that signifies the maximum speed limit for that street or road.