Duties of Institutions to Prevent Ragging

Last updated on Apr 8, 2022

It is the duty of the college to prevent ragging. All colleges/universities must take all measures to eliminate ragging, both within and outside the campus. Under the law, no college or institution, including all sub-units, like departments, canteen, etc., can allow ragging in any way.(( Section 5, the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.))

All colleges/universities have to take steps to prevent ragging at different stages i.e. on the admission of students and on enrollment. 

Measures during Admission 

All colleges/universities must take the measures at the time of admission of students. Some of these are:(( Section 6.2, the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.))

  • Make a Public declaration (in any format – print, audiovisual, etc.) that ragging is completely prohibited in the college, and that anyone found ragging a student will be punished under the law.
  • Provide information on ragging in the brochure of admission/prospectus. This must have the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009 (UGC Guidelines) printed, with contact information of all important functionaries, like the Head, Wardens of hostels, etc. Additionally, they have to provide the number of the anti-ragging helpline.
  • Provide an affidavit with the application form. These affidavits for students and parents must that state that the student and the parents have read and understood the UGC Guidelines, are aware that ragging is prohibited and that the applicant will not engage in any ragging, and will be liable for punishment, should he or she engage in any such behaviour. Additionally, signing affidavits while applying for hostels.
  • Provide a document that reports on the social behaviour of the applicant. Such a document should include any reported misconduct so that the college can monitor the student. This document must accompany the application form.
  • Discuss measures and steps to prevent ragging with hostel Wardens, representatives of students, parents, etc. The head of the college must convene such discussions.
  • Display prominently at various locations the punishment for ragging and the provisions of the UGC guidelines and any other law which is applicable.
  • Identify and keep a close watch on locations where ragging is likely to take place. Further, the Anti-Ragging Squad should inspect such places at odd hours during the first few months of the semester.

Measures during Enrollment/Registration

All colleges/universities must take certain measures at the time of enrolment/registration of students. Some of these are:(( Section 6.2, the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.))

Giving leaflets to new students in a college that specify:

  • Persons he can reach out to in case of ragging. This should include Anti-Ragging helpline number, contact information of persons like hostel wardens, the local police, etc.
  • The inductions and programs to enable new students to interact and integrate with the senior students.
  • Rights enjoyed as a student of that college.
  • Instructions that the student should not engage in and report any ragging, even if asked by the senior students.
  • A calendar with all the activities to facilitate familiarity of the freshers with the academic environment.

Students are encouraged to report ragging. For instance, if they are the victim or they complain on another student’s behalf,  their identity is protected, and there are no adverse consequences for reporting an incident.

The batch of freshers will be divided into smaller groups, and each group will have a teacher who will interact with them daily to understand if the students have problems.

Separating freshers from seniors in hostels. In situations where this is not possible, wardens/hostel security must monitor senior students’ access to junior students.

The Head of the college must send a letter to parents of first-year students, at the end of the academic year, to inform them about the law on ragging and the applicable punishments. Additionally, the letter must also ask parents to talk to their children on not engaging in any ragging behaviour.

General Measures

In addition to the measures specified above, each college must take some general measures. Some of these are:(( Section 6.4, the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.))

  • The college must constitute authorities i.e. Anti-Ragging Committee, Anti-Ragging Squad, Mentoring Cell and Monitoring Cell on Ragging.(( Section 6.3, the UGC Regulations On Curbing The Menace Of Ragging In Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.))
  • Each hostel must have a full-time Warden. The warden should have qualifications that include an ability to discipline, prevent ragging and communicate/counsel the students.
  • The Warden must be available at all hours, and must have a well-publicized telephone number, which will be provided by the college.
  • The college must take extensive measures to publicize against ragging by means of audio-visual aids, counseling sessions, workshops, etc.
  • The colleges/universities must allow unrestricted access to mobile phones, except in classrooms, the library, etc. This is to allow students to easily complain about ragging to the Anti-Ragging Squad.
  • Sensitization of all the faculty of the college, including non-teaching staff, on ragging.

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Related Resources

Acts considered as Ragging

Many actions taken by students are considered to be ragging under the law. Some of the acts are mentioned herein.
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Anti-Ragging Authorities

Under the Indian law, to prevent ragging, every college and university must constitute the following authorities as mentioned herein.
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Punishment for Ragging

If any student is caught ragging another student, he or she can be punished. Additionally, the punishment can be in the form of administrative punishment or police complaint.
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Complaining Against Ragging

For ragging, you can complain to the college authorities, the national helpline or the police. Please note that another person can also complain on your behalf.
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What is Ragging?

Ragging is any physical, verbal or mental abuse committed by one student against another student belonging to an educational institute. The seniority of the student who rags or is ragged does not matter. 
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Appeal against Ragging Complaints

Sometimes, it is possible that in the case of a ragging complaint, a student feels aggrieved or upset by the decision given by the Anti-Ragging Committee. In such a case, you can appeal against the decision given.
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