Cruel and Degrading Atrocities against SC/ST

Last updated on Jun 14, 2022

Any of the following crimes committed against members of SC/ST are referred to as atrocities in law.  The punishment for these acts is imprisonment between 6 months and 5 years, along with a fine.

  • Hurting or boycotting an SC/ST member
  • Force-feeding an SC/ST member with any disgusting substance that is not fit for humans to eat, such as cow dung, human excreta etc.
  • Dumping any disgusting substances (such as the bodies of dead animals, or excreta) inside or at the gate of a place where SC/ST members live, or in a neighbourhood of an SC/ST member, but only if it is done to insult or annoy her in some way.
  • Making an SC/ST member wear a garland of chappals, or making them walk around naked or semi-naked.
  • Forcing an SC/ST member to do anything which is insulting to the dignity of a human being, such as making them undress, forcing them to shave his head or his moustache or forcing them to paint his face.
  • Making an SC/ST member do bonded labour. The exception will be if the government makes some kind of public service compulsory – in that case, it will not be a crime.
  • Forcing an SC/ST member to carry or dispose of a human or animal dead body.
  • Forcing an SC/ST member to do manual scavenging, or employing an SC/ST member to do manual scavenging.
  • Insulting and humiliating an SC/ST member on purpose, if it is done in a place visible to the public.
  • Abusing an SC/ST member using her caste name if it is done in a place visible to the public.
  • Damage any object, such as a statue or picture of Dr Ambedkar, which is important to members of SCs/STs.
  • Say or publish anything that encourages hatred of SC/ST communities.
  • Say or write anything that insults any late person who is important to the SC/ST community, such as a leader.
  • Spoiling any water source that is usually used by SC/ST members.
  • Blocking an SC/ST member from a public place where she has a right to go.
  • Blocking an SC/ST member from:
    • Using any common public area or resource such as water bodies, taps, wells, cremation grounds etc.
    • Riding a horse or a vehicle or carrying out a procession.
    • Entering into a religious place or participating in a religious ceremony, that is open to the public.
    • Entering a public place like a school, hospital or cinema hall.
    • Carrying on any business or job.
  • Accusing an SC/ST member of practising witchcraft, and hurting them physically or mentally.
  • Making a threat, or actually excluding them socially or economically.

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Anil Kumar

October 11, 2023

I am Anil Kumar belongs to sc community,some people of my village disregard and atrocity on us when they get chance. We approach to police but instead of taking my complaint,police lodge false FIR against us. And on every concerned platform ,we gave their complaint but nothing to be change.
Now what should I do. Plz suggest and help.

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Related Resources

Reporting a Crime/Atrocity

If a crime has been committed against you due to your identity as member of the SC/STs, you can approach several places for immediate relief.

Externment of Persons Committing Atrocities

If a person is likely to commit crimes against members of SC/STs in scheduled areas, Special Courts can have them removed from there.
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Precautionary and preventive measures to be taken by States

The law requires special measures to be taken by the State Governments to prevent atrocities against members of SC/STs.
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Investigation of Cases

Investigation for crime against member of SC/STs reported under special law must be done by a police officer of rank of DSP or above.

FIR, Arrest and Bail

No preliminary inquiry needs to be conducted by investigation officer before filing FIR for a crime committed against a member of SC/STs.

Relief and Rehabilitation for Victims of Atrocities

The law requires measures to be taken by the District administration to provide relief and ensure rehabilitation of members of SCs or STs
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