Complaining Against Doctors or Hospitals

Last updated on May 31, 2024

If patients or their caregivers have a grievance against a doctor or the hospital administration regarding the quality of treatment provided, they have a right to seek redressal for the same. Further, they can do so if any of their other rights as patients have been violated. For instance, violation of privacy, discrimination against you etc.

Hospital’s Grievance Office

This can be the first place to approach when seeking redressal against professional misconduct1 by a doctor or hospital. A grievance redressal mechanism in a hospital works on resolving issues faced by patients. However, if the issue is not satisfactorily resolved at this level, the patient can approach the other authorities given below.

National, State or District Level Council of Clinical Establishments

Clinical establishments are government or private places that provide medical services. For instance, if there are any shortcomings of clinical establishments in meeting standards of infrastructure or care, you can approach the officer or authority of a State or Union Territory2 to report issues. For example, you can complain if the medical equipment is not in a good working condition or if they lose or misplace your medical records.  You can find a list of officers in each State here.

State Medical Councils

You can approach State Medical Councils to seek disciplinary action against a doctor or hospital administration.3 Further, to find a list of state councils, see here.


In case of criminal conduct by the doctor or hospital administration, you can file an FIR against them. Further, you can also call on 100 (police helpline) to register a complaint.

  1. Chapter 7, Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002. []
  2. Clinical Establishment (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2010. []
  3. Section 8.2, Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002. []

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September 20, 2023

Management staff behave like they have hired a bouncerswho are ready to fight with patients
And hygien level is zero of the hospital

Alka Manral

September 2, 2024

You can send a complaint in writing to the Medical Superintendent (M.S) of the concerned Hospital
with a copy to Chief Medical Officer (CMO)/ Civil Surgeon of his area.

banti kumari

March 3, 2024

in bihar most of the hospital does not have proper medical equipments

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