Did you know that you automatically give up Indian citizenship if you become a citizen of any other country?

Citizenship in India

Last updated on May 28, 2024

Citizenship is the legal status given to a citizen of a particular country, which is granted by the Government. The rights that citizens of India have differ from non-citizens. For example, only citizens of India can contest in elections.1

Proof of Citizenship

In India, the government has not mandated that citizens should hold any particular document to be regarded as Indian citizens, except in Assam. Indian citizens may choose which proof(s) of identification they want to acquire, based on the services that card/document provides. For instance, one must have a PAN Card to be able to file income tax returns or a Voter ID Card to vote in elections, but the government does not mandatorily require you to possess any of these proofs of identification.

However, please note that no proof of identification, such as Aadhar, Passport, is a conclusive proof of citizenship in India.

Acquiring Indian Citizenship

Under the law, you are considered an Indian citizen if you are born in India and fall in one of the 3 categories below:2

  • If you were born between 26th January 1950 to 1st July 1987: You are a citizen irrespective of the nationality of your parents.
  • If you were born between 1st July 1987 to 3rd December 2004:  One of your parents should have been an Indian citizen when you are born
  • If you were born on or after 3rd December 2004: Both your parents must be  Indian citizens; or if only one of your parents is a citizen, then the other is not an illegal immigrant

The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) was notified in March 2024. It offers a fast track to citizenship for persecuted minorities (Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Parsi, Jain, and Christian) from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan who entered India on or before December 31, 2014.  They can apply for citizenship through a simplified process if they can show evidence of religious persecution in their home country.
The residency requirement for these minorities seeking citizenship has been reduced to 6 years, as opposed to the standard 11 years required for naturalization under other circumstances.

There are three other procedures that can be followed to become an Indian citizen i.e. by descent, naturalization and registration.3 Through these, you can also acquire Indian citizenship if you were born outside India in certain cases. Indian residents and others, who are not citizens by birth, can apply for Indian citizenship.

Termination of Indian Citizenship

Your status as an Indian citizen can be terminated if:

  • You give up your Indian citizenship.4
  • You voluntarily acquire the citizenship of another country.5

Furthermore,  if you are not born as an Indian citizen and have acquired citizenship by naturalisation or registration under certain circumstances, then the Government  may deprive you of your status as an Indian citizen:

  • If you show yourself to be disloyal towards the Constitution of India,6
  • If your citizenship  was obtained fraudulently, by false representation or by not revealing crucial facts,7 etc.
  • If, during any war India is engaged in, you have unlawfully traded or communicated with an enemy, or knowingly associated with any business assisting the enemy,8
  • If you were sentenced to jail in any country for at least 2 years, within 5 years of being registered/naturalized as an Indian citizen,9
  • If you have been residing out of India for more than 7 years continuously, without being enrolled in any educational institute in that country, or in the service of Government of India, or an international organization of which India is a member. Your citizenship may also be deprived if, during this time,  you have not demonstrated your intention to be an Indian citizen through the prescribed requirements.10

Read this government resource to know more.

  1. Election Commission of India, FAQs, Contesting for Elections, Q.1., https://eci.gov.in/faqs/page/2/; Mr. Louis De Raedt & Ors. v. Union of India & Others, 1991 SCR (3) 149 []
  2. Section 3, Citizenship Act, 1955. []
  3. Sections 4, 6 and 5, Citizenship Act, 1955. []
  4. Section 8(1), Citizenship Act, 1955. []
  5. Section 9(1), Citizenship Act, 1955. []
  6. Section 10(2)(b), Citizenship Act, 1955. []
  7. Section 10(2)(a), Citizenship Act, 1955. []
  8. Section 10(2)(c), Citizenship Act, 1955. []
  9. Section 10(2)(d), Citizenship Act, 1955. []
  10. Section 10(2)(e), Citizenship Act, 1955. []

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Vithya Sri Sumathi

July 20, 2023

Dear Nyaaya

I am having trouble in Registering my children as Indian Citizenship as my children category do not match the acts.
Firstly I am an Indian Origin Singapore Citizen.
Both of my parents were born in TamilNadu. In the year 2000,myself and my husband came to India for some business set up and got stuck here .In 2001 my daughter was born and son born in 2005. Both of them had not acquired any other country citizenship nor travel out of India. My husband is a British Citizen but his mother was born in Kerala .He do not have any documents to proof but I have all documents to proof for my parents who were born in India.
Now under what category shall I apply please. I need some guidance.I went to the colectors office to register they say they do not do such services. I am very confused as to how to go about this application.Please help.Thank you.My email id is drvithyasri@gmail.com. contact no : 9940162107


December 7, 2024

Unfortunately, due to how the Citizenship Act works, you don’t have many options. Your children can apply for citizenship by registration, as they are of Indian origin and have lived in India for their lifetime. However, this option is only open for foreign citizens, and the problem is, you also need a valid residential permit along with valid passport to apply for citizenship. Since your husband, their father, is a British citizen, they should get automatic British citizenship and can apply for a British passport. However, legally they cannot be in India as they are not citizens and have no visa, and thus cannot get a valid residential permit. To get a visa, they can register as an Overseas Citizen of India, as they are the grandchildren of Indian citizens. OCI applications don’t go to the Collector, they have their own procedure, you have to fill Form XXVIII and send it to FRRO and Foreigner’s Division of Central Govt. Once you get both a valid foreign passport and a valid residential permit, you can go to the Collector and apply for Indian citizenship by registration through Form II.

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