Electronic signatures cannot be used for real estate contracts such as lease/rent agreements.

Signing the Written Agreement

Last updated on Jun 7, 2022

There are certain steps you should follow before signing the written rent agreement.

Due Diligence Before Signing

If you decide to take the house or give your house on rent, then here are some important things you should do before signing the written agreement:

Read Your Agreement

Before signing your agreement ensure that you or your lawyer has read the terms of the agreement. Please ensure that you have not signed a document without knowing the contents of it since you cannot later claim that you are not bound by the agreement because you did not read the agreement.

Ensure the Presence of Witnesses

After reading the terms of your agreement, both you and the landlord/licensor/tenant/licensee have to sign the agreement. Please make sure that there are two (2) witnesses signing the agreement as well. This requirement is not optional as without the witnesses signing the agreement it will not be considered to be valid.


Due Diligence After Signing

Here are some important things you should ensure after signing the written agreement:

Notarizing and Registration of the Agreement

After signing the agreement, make sure that you notarize or register your agreement if you are giving your house on rent or taking a house on rent.

For rent agreements which are for 11 months registration is not compulsory. However, it is compulsory to notarize the agreement.

Police Verification

After signing your agreement ensure that you get the police verification process done if you are giving your house on rent. As a person taking a house on rent you have no obligation to get the police verification done. However, you must co-operate with your landlord when he asks for your details for this process as the landlord is required to complete this process under the law.

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