Patient Education

Last updated on May 31, 2024

Patients have the right to receive education about the facts relevant to their condition and healthy living practices. For instance,1

  • Rights and responsibilities as patients2
  • Information regarding insurance schemes, entitlements (in case of charitable hospitals).
  • Complaint forums and grievance redressal.

In addition, all this information must be provided in a language easily understood by the patient. Further, you can click on the links given below to learn more:

  • Information about health-related schemes of the Government: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare website
  • Public health initiatives and their e-resources: National Health Portal of India website
  • Informational videos on topics like family planning and maternal health: National Health Portal of India website
  • Information on blood donation and blood banks: E- Rakt Kosh Blood Centralized Blood Bank website
  • Informational material on diseases: National Health Portal of India website
  • Information on list of essential medicines: National List of Essential Medicines, 2015
  • Information about fixed rates of drugs: Drug Price Control Order, 2013


  1. Charter of Patient Rights, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. []
  2. Annexure 8, Clinical Establishments Act (Standards for Hospital Level 1A & 1B), 2010. []

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Patient Rights in India

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Obtaining Information About Medical Records or Reports

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