If you are a victim of online abuse or know someone being victimised, you must report it to the authorities. You can report online abuse in any of the following ways:
Approaching the Police Station
When you go to the police station to complain about a case of online abuse that you have faced, they will ask you to file an FIR. You should make sure you give all the information you know about the incident and abuse that you have faced.
Cyber Cell
Cyber Cells are present in every state and some police stations may have a unit designated to work on cyber crimes. These cells or units will look into and help you out in cases of online violence such as online stalking, hacking, etc. In many states, you can file a complaint online through the website of the cyber cell. For instance, for Delhi, you can file an online complaint here.
If you want to file a complaint, you will have to either:
- File a complaint online with your respective state’s Cyber Cell website or
- Approach the police station where you will have to file an FIR which will be forwarded to the Cyber Cell.
Complaint Portals
Online Crime Reporting Portal
You can also lodge a complaint by using the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Online Crime Reporting Portal. You may be redirected to a specific State Government’s website to register a complaint.
Register a complaint in the section “Services for Citizen”, and click on “Report a Cyber Crime ”. Here, you can provide information about the offender, the victim, and the incident along with any supporting evidence, such as screenshots. You can report anonymously or with identification, and you can track your complaint as well.
Cyber Crime Reporting Portal
You can also directly file a complaint on the Cyber Crime Reporting Portal. Complaints can also be made anonymously. You can complain against various cybercrimes by selecting the option ‘Report Cyber Crime Related to Women/Child’ or ‘Report Other Cyber Crime’. You must login and create an account and select “Report and Track” if you wish to track your complaint.
Manik Pahuja
July 21, 2022
One Girl took my video and Edit this with some another boys video and now she asking for money on Facebook and Said if I don’t give money ₹30,000
she’ll upload this Video on Facebook and other Socia Media Platforms.
She even took my no. from facebook and semd this picture from her profile with fake allegations and asking about money.
August 8, 2022
You may file a complaint for online abuse by following the steps mentioned in the explainer above.
December 3, 2022
Sir I’m from Pakistan and the same thing happened to me by a person in india. How can i complain? I have his phone number and facebook details. He claimed to be a girl at first
December 8, 2022
You can lodge a complaint by using the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs’ Online Crime Reporting Portal. You may be redirected to a specific State Government’s website to register a complaint. Register a complaint in the section “Services for Citizen”, and click on “Report a Cyber Crime ”. Here, you can provide information about the offender, the victim, and the incident along with any supporting evidence, such as screenshots. You can report anonymously or with identification, and you can track your complaint as well.
August 20, 2023
One Indian girl contact me via facebook and take video call. Now she blackmailing me and asking money. Please tell me to complain this regard. I need contact number on relevant authority.
Alka Manral
September 3, 2024
If someone has reached out to you on Facebook and is extorting money, you have the right to file a lawsuit under Section 383 of the Indian Penal Code , which defines extortion, and Section 384 of the IPC, which outlines the penalties for such behavior. Furthermore, criminal intimidation through anonymous communication is addressed by Section 507 IPC.
Anuj lakra
May 14, 2024
Excuse me sir some boy are disperesting my elder sister infront of me how shoul i react?
Alka Manral
August 20, 2024
It depends on the nature of the ‘disrespect’. If what happened with your sister was mental injury or sexual harassment, then you can file an FIR under Section 75 of the BNS 2023 relating to Sexual Harassment. If there was physical contact then Section 75 (i) will apply or if there was a demand for sexual favors then Section 75 (iii) and if there were sexual remarks made, then you can file the FIR under Section 75 (iv). Additionally, you can also file an FIR under Section 79 if the act of the boy intended to insult the modesty of your elder sister As a person witnessing a cognizable offense (as both Section 75 and Section 79 of the BNS come under cognizable offenses in the First Schedule of the BNSS), you can go to a police station, and under Section 173 of the BNSS, 2023, you can file an FIR either orally or in writing.
Lavina Pamnani
October 16, 2024
I’m from Vadodara ,my parents mentally and physically abuse me and threathen me to that they would kill me or broke my legs and body .im really stuck here .pleaseee someone help me ,I’m 17 year old and at this age if I file police complain where would I live or who would take care of me .Because of there reasons I am afraid to take any actions against them .
Disha Priyadarsini
October 13, 2023
There is a Instagram account posting my exposing pictures and trying to blackmail me. Plz help me with that
Alka Manral
June 10, 2024
Firstly, do not delete the messages or photos/videos received from this number. These can be used as evidence in the case.
You can file an online cyber complaint at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/. The website provides instructions as to filing the complaint and the documents necessary for it.
You can also call 1930, the national cybercrime helpline number, to report your problem.
You can call on the police helpline number 100.
In case of a woman, you can also call the helpline numer 1090 (National Woman Helpline) or 181 (Abhayam Helpline) or your state’s helpline number related to the same, which can be found at https://www.indiacustomercare.com/women-helpline-numbers.
You can also file an FIR under sections 503, 506 and 507 of the IPC (criminal intimidation) and sections 66E (violation of privacy), 67 (publishing/transmitting obscene material in electronic form), 67A (publishing/transmitting material containing sexually explicit act in electronic form) of the IT Act.
October 3, 2024
hello yesterday there was some dispute for not taking class in college i said to one boy to not to take class he said i will take and said fu*ck off so i also said the same thing abused him in return then he also did the same and so on we did the same so at once i said i will crack your head open to make him stop and so that he can get scared and stop firghting where he started it first then affter some time the fight in chat was over. the next day he call me 3-4 times and absues my mother and said many have come like you and said something abusive again in this case am i guilt or him or should i reprot him to cyper police or what please help me
October 21, 2024
I’m Devi
Ma’am my son is of 24 years , he had an issue with company… with his senior…
He resigned his job….after 1 year …that senior called my son and abusing him….where he is no where connected… He joined with local rowdies….I’m worried… kindly let me know, how to handle this situation..
November 6, 2024
I was coming to my room from my friends apartment and I felt like someone is chasing me
December 7, 2024
Firstly, do not delete the messages or photos/videos received from this number. These can be used as evidence in the case.
You can file an online cyber complaint at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/. The website provides instructions as to filing the complaint and the documents necessary for it.
You can also call 1930, the national cybercrime helpline number, to report your problem.
You can call on the police helpline number 100.
In case of a woman, you can also call the helpline numer 1090 (National Woman Helpline) or 181 (Abhayam Helpline) or your state’s helpline number related to the same, which can be found at https://www.indiacustomercare.com/women-helpline-numbers.
You can also file an FIR under sections 503, 506 and 507 of the IPC (criminal intimidation) and sections 66E (violation of privacy), 67 (publishing/transmitting obscene material in electronic form), 67A (publishing/transmitting material containing sexually explicit act in electronic form) of the IT Act.
Hemlata Talukdar
March 2, 2025
My husband manoj tamuli’s side a girl follows Instagram..named bhasawti das and first entered by some edit fake photos.
Shivam Sharma
January 19, 2024
Hy my name is Shivam Sharma my father died when I was 8 years old
Now I m 18 year old boy now I am facing a mental trauma by my uncle last 3 year I was avoiding because I want to concentrate on my study but now he treatens to kill me I don’t know why ..
He tried so many times like throw a heavy weight stone from terrace to me
And abused me or my mother and once upon a time he slapped my younger sister and said that get out from this house, so many time he split on my mother head from his floor
I am so depressed what should I do please help
Alka Manral
April 18, 2024
In case of facing abuse and at the hands of your uncle you need to file a complain against him in your nearest police station in order to initiate and investigation. The step-by-step method of filing an FIR is:
1. Visit the Police Station:
• Go to the police station that has authority over the area where the offense took place.
2. Notify the Officer-in-Charge:
• Inform the officer in charge or any available officer about the offense. You can provide the information orally or in writing.
3. Provide Necessary Information:
• Clearly and succinctly describe the incident, including:
• Date and time of the offense
• Location of the offense
• Nature of the offense
• Details of the victim(s) and perpetrator(s) if known
• Presence of any witnesses
• Any available evidence
4. Review and Sign the FIR:
• The officer will record your information and prepare the First Information Report (FIR).
• Carefully review the FIR for accuracy and completeness.
• Sign the FIR once you’ve confirmed the details.
5. Obtain a Copy:
• You have the right to receive a free copy of the FIR. Request it from the police officer.
6. Understand Your Rights:
• You can lodge an FIR regardless of your relationship to the victim or the offense.
• The police cannot reject registering an FIR for a cognizable offense. If they do, you can file a complaint with the Superintendent of Police or approach the magistrate.
Additional Information:
• In some states, you can file an FIR online through citizen portals.
• If you can’t visit the police station, you can inform them via phone or email.
• Keep copies of any evidence you have, such as medical reports or witness statements.
• Seek legal advice if needed during the FIR filing process or if you have concerns.
• Filing an FIR is crucial for initiating an investigation and seeking justice.
• Provide accurate and comprehensive details to the police.
• Know your rights and assert them if necessary
Also, on the account of you facing mental trauma please refer to the following portals for mental health support:
1. Nimhans.ac.in/pssmhs-helpline
2. Sumaitri.net: Call: 011-23389090, 09315767849
November 8, 2024
In case of facing abuse and at the hands of your uncle you need to file a complain against him in your nearest police station in order to initiate and investigation. The step-by-step method of filing an FIR is:
1. Visit the Police Station:
• Go to the police station that has authority over the area where the offense took place.
2. Notify the Officer-in-Charge:
• Inform the officer in charge or any available officer about the offense. You can provide the information orally or in writing.
3. Provide Necessary Information:
• Clearly and succinctly describe the incident, including:
• Date and time of the offense
• Location of the offense
• Nature of the offense
• Details of the victim(s) and perpetrator(s) if known
• Presence of any witnesses
• Any available evidence
4. Review and Sign the FIR:
• The officer will record your information and prepare the First Information Report (FIR).
• Carefully review the FIR for accuracy and completeness.
• Sign the FIR once you’ve confirmed the details.
5. Obtain a Copy:
• You have the right to receive a free copy of the FIR. Request it from the police officer.
6. Understand Your Rights:
• You can lodge an FIR regardless of your relationship to the victim or the offense.
• The police cannot reject registering an FIR for a cognizable offense. If they do, you can file a complaint with the Superintendent of Police or approach the magistrate.
Additional Information:
• In some states, you can file an FIR online through citizen portals.
• If you can’t visit the police station, you can inform them via phone or email.
• Keep copies of any evidence you have, such as medical reports or witness statements.
• Seek legal advice if needed during the FIR filing process or if you have concerns.
• Filing an FIR is crucial for initiating an investigation and seeking justice.
• Provide accurate and comprehensive details to the police.
• Know your rights and assert them if necessary
Also, on the account of you facing mental trauma please refer to the following portals for mental health support:
1. Nimhans.ac.in/pssmhs-helpline
2. Sumaitri.net: Call: 011-23389090, 09315767849
Aarnav Ravishankar
March 11, 2024
I am a 13 year old boy and I get abused on a daily basis from my brother and this has been going on from 2 and a half years. I constantly thought that he might change nd let me give one more opportunity but I have had enough.Yesterday he punched and kicked me in the face. He indulges in my daily life and dictates how I should speak ,what I should speak and when I should speak.He basically controls my whole life and this has been affecting me physically and mentally.
Alka Manral
May 30, 2024
1) The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 deal with noise pollution in residential and other areas. In residential areas, the limits are 55 db(A) in the daytime and 45 db(A) in the nighttime. When any of the provisions of the Rules are being violated, a complaint can be filed with the authority decided by the State Pollution Control Board. 2) In the present case, since the pump function 24/7 and exceeds the set limit (should exceed limit by 10dB or more), you can complain to the relevant authority. To find the relevant authority, check the list available on CPCB website titled “Authority List for Implementation of Noise Rules” <https://cpcb.nic.in/displaypdf.php?id=Tm9pc2UtU3RhbmRhcmRzL0F1dGhvcml0eUxpc3QucGRm)>. For example, if you are a resident of Karnataka, then you can complain to any Police Officer of the area, whose rank is either Superintendent of Police or above. 3) Noise pollution is covered in criminal law through Section 268 of the IPC which deals with public nuisance. A complaint can be filed against such nuisance, if it causes the annoyance to the public, under Section 290 of the IPC. 4)
December 7, 2024
1) The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 deal with noise pollution in residential and other areas. In residential areas, the limits are 55 db(A) in the daytime and 45 db(A) in the nighttime. When any of the provisions of the Rules are being violated, a complaint can be filed with the authority decided by the State Pollution Control Board. 2) In the present case, since the pump function 24/7 and exceeds the set limit (should exceed limit by 10dB or more), you can complain to the relevant authority. To find the relevant authority, check the list available on CPCB website titled “Authority List for Implementation of Noise Rules” <https://cpcb.nic.in/displaypdf.php?id=Tm9pc2UtU3RhbmRhcmRzL0F1dGhvcml0eUxpc3QucGRm)>. For example, if you are a resident of Karnataka, then you can complain to any Police Officer of the area, whose rank is either Superintendent of Police or above. 3) Noise pollution is covered in criminal law through Section 268 of the IPC which deals with public nuisance. A complaint can be filed against such nuisance, if it causes the annoyance to the public, under Section 290 of the IPC. 4)
Saif ullah
March 18, 2024
Someone abuses me with a new number on a message
राम पाठक
June 5, 2024
फोन वर ब्लॉक केले तरी सतत मुलीला कॉल करत असेल तर कोणत्या पोलीस स्टेशन मध्ये तक्रार करावी
November 8, 2024
भारतात, जर एखादी व्यक्ती एखाद्या मुलीचा फोन ब्लॉक करूनही सतत फोन करत असेल आणि तिचा छळ करत असेल तर तो गुन्हा मानला जातो. हे थांबवण्यासाठी तरुणीने पोलिसांत तक्रार दाखल करावी. त्याने पुढील पावले उचलली पाहिजेत:
1. जवळचे पोलिस स्टेशन: मुलीने आधी तिच्या जवळच्या पोलिस स्टेशनमध्ये जाऊन तेथे लेखी तक्रार नोंदवावी. पोलीस ठाण्यात एफआयआर (प्रथम माहिती अहवाल) दाखल करता येतो.
2. सायबर क्राईम सेल : भारत सरकारने ऑनलाइन तक्रारी दाखल करण्याची सुविधाही उपलब्ध करून दिली आहे. नॅशनल सायबर क्राईम रिपोर्टिंग पोर्टल (cybercrime.gov.in) वर जाऊन ऑनलाइन तक्रारी दाखल केल्या जाऊ शकतात.
3. महिला हेल्पलाइन: प्रत्येक राज्यात महिलांच्या सुरक्षेसाठी विशेष हेल्पलाइन क्रमांक आहेत. उदाहरणार्थ, 1091 ही राष्ट्रीय महिला हेल्पलाइन आहे. या क्रमांकांवर फोन करूनही मदत घेता येईल
August 29, 2024
My friend broke up with his girlfriend who was in toxic relationship. She use to beat him and now after breakup. She continuously calling me and sharing false information that he trying to connect me and all now her brother called me and said how are you and all so i told him that I’m her ex gfs friend and she is calling me even though I told her not to call me with different different number. Afterwards her brother started abusing me. Using bad words of mother and sister. What to do in this I have nothing to do with this still he absued me and even threatened me to beat. I recorded our conversation. But i don’t want to envolve my parents or any of my family members in this. As I just got job and it will scare my family if I go to police and they summon me for something.
November 15, 2024
My father is abusing me and treating me like shit , I feel like I should die , he tells me again and again that I don’t deserve to live . He even slaps me and even kick on my stomach .
January 25, 2025
A known person using abusive language and he is an addictive to drugs like charas and meth
March 10, 2025
Hi sir/ maam my name is Shrusti. I have a cousin who is 16 years old and she keeps bothering me and my parents with please reply and she also keeps calling to her cousins place whom I don’t even know and even if they know me they wuld have not invited me that’s why I am writing this to you so that my parents are not bothered or neither am I
Pooja verma
October 3, 2022
Is it any serious in there??
September 15, 2023
Ak aadmi mujhe wtsapp pat msg Katke. Baar baar galat bol rha h jbki Mai usko Jani bui nhi he treate me like call girl and he gives me money. Wo mujhe mentally disturb kar rha h
Neha Kumari
September 27, 2023
Ek ladka hai up se m online work search kr rhi thi to wo mujha online platform ke through mila tha . M uske under m kaam krti thi . Phir dheera dheera kaam band ho gya uske baad wo mujha call and message krta tha or mujhsa kaam se related baat krta tha dheera dheera wo mera close aane lga or aur batata hone lagi . Kuch din tk aasa chala wo mujha use v kr rha tha . Phir aahanak usse kuch hua or mujha duri banana lga . M bhut koshis ki usse puchna ka lakin wo mujha ignore krna lga . Ek din wo mujha message kiye ek work se related . M usko boli nhi krna h to wo mujha personal comments krna lga or gali Dena laga . Personal comments family ke upar , mera self appearance , or gandi gandi gali Dena laga jbb mujhsa bardas nhi hua to m v usko gali di . Mujha ko kaam krna tha lakin uski zuban bhut gandi h . Kuch din baad m jb usko mssg ki to v wo mujha gandi gandi gali Dena or personal comments kr rha tha . Kuch kaam ka v puchti hu to wo mujha gandi gandi gali deta h m usko block krti hu to wo mujha smg prr mssg krta h . M preshan ho gyi hu sir . Bhut frustrated hu . Please meri complain accept kriye . Nhi to pata nhi wo or kitni ladkiyo ke sath aasa krta ho ga . Uska naam Chandra Prakash Tiwari hai . Wo up ka rhana wala h . City baberu Banda . Thank you sir I hope aap meri help kriyga
Tannu paliwal
December 11, 2024
Mere papa ki death ho jane k baad me apne nani mama k ghr rehti hu mummy k sath or y log mujhe roj marte h galiyaa dete h or adhi raat m ghr se nikal dete h ajj bhi ghr se nikal diya h mujhe mere papa k ghr bhi nahi Jane dete h Jane ko bolo to marte h or meri mummy n 2 marriage kri h or usko bhi bina divorce diye chorr diya uske baad 3rd marriage kri h jiski already 1 wife h or sabko bolte h ki bhai bhen h but reality m y dono husband wife h please help me..,.🥺😭🙏🙏 Mujhe mere ghar bhej dijiye
November 8, 2023
Koi ladka hai pata nhi kaha hai pic bhi nahi hai uski or wo ladka meri photo ko AI ki madat se nude bna rha hai or mujhe bhej bhej ke dhamki de rha hai ki video sex chat karun nhi to wo porn site par daal dega mai bhot pareshn hu mujhe ek ladke par Shak hai kyunki jab mai usko block karti hu to hi wo msg karta hai or nude pic meri apne insta par dp lagata hai mai middle class family se hu agar mere gaon me kisi ko pata chla to meri pariwar ki bhot insult hogi plz meri madat kijiye wrna mai apni jaan de dungi mere paas or koi rasta nahi hai plz help me 😭😭😭
December 10, 2024
Ma’am, hum apki takleef samaj sakte hei aur apni puri tarah se sahayta karne ki koshish karenge. Hum apse bas itni guzaarish karte hei ki aap please dar mei ya dabav mei aakar koi galat kadam mat uthana. Apki samasya ka hal hei jisse aap is insaan se chutkara paa sakti hei aur woh apko wapas kabhi tang karega bhi nahi.
Aap is maamle mei, kuch is prakar karyavaahi kar sakti hei:
1. Sabse pehle toh aap is ladke se kisi bhi prakaar ka contact bandh kar dijiye. Inki account details saari note kardijiye taaki woh aage chalkar aapke kaam aaye.
2. Unke message ka javaab dena bandh kar dijiye aur koi aur contact source ho toh woh bhi bandh kar dijiye.
3. Aap turant, sarkar dwara *cyber crime* ke khilaaf karyavaahi ke liye banaye gaye portal cybercrime.in par jaaye aur waha aap ek *anonymous complaint* file kar sakti hei. Is complaint mei aapko apki khudki koi bhi jaankaari deni nahi padegi.
4. Is portal ko istamaal karne ke liye is link par click kare: https://cybercrime.gov.in/ aur yaha register anonymous par click kar apni complaint darj kare.
5. Is complaint ko file karne ke liye, aap is link ke: https://cybercrime.gov.in/Webform/Citizen_Manual.aspx pehke document jiska naam hei *citizen manual report CPRGR complaints* ko download kar uski sahayta le complaint fine kar sakte hei
6. Is form ko khole: https://cybercrime.gov.in/Webform/Crime_ReportAnonymously.aspx aur nature of complaint mei *sexually obsene material* fill karke baaki saari details bhar dijiyega.
7. Aap sabse upar diye gaye *language* option pe click karke sab Hindi mei karva sakte hei.
8. Agar aapko is complaint ke antargat, esa lage ki thik se karyavaahi nahi ho rhi, tab aap aapke rajya ke *nodal officer* se sampark kar sakte hei. Unki jaankaari aapko https://cybercrime.gov.in/Webform/Crime_NodalGrivanceList.aspx link se mil jayegi.
9. Complaint hi jaane ke baad, apko ek *acknowledgement number* milega. Aap us number ki madad se apni complaint ke vishay par jaankari prapt kar sakte hei.
9. Agar aap is form ke badle, call dwara complaint darj karwana chahti hei toh uske liye, aapse nivedan hei ki aap *1930- cyber crime* ya *181- women helpline number* par call kar sakte hei.
10. Is vishay par adhik aur saral jaankari ke liye aap nyaaya dwara di gai jaankaari padh sakte hei: https://nyaaya.org/legal-explainer/reporting-online-abuse/
Is puri prakriya mei, aapka naam bahaar nahi jayega aur apko jaldi se jaldi madad mil jayegi. Aapse asha karte hei ki aap apna dhyan rakhe aur is insaan ke khilaaf kadam uthaae taaki woh wapas apko pareshaan na kare aur naahi kisi aur insaan ke saath bhi esa naa kare.
March 10, 2025
police complaint file karo
December 4, 2023
A boy is messaging me in worst words please teach him something
mayuri pandya
November 24, 2024
I google search for Samsung customer service number and i dialed number what I got on google search it rang but I didn’t find it proper so I disconnected and very next second I received a call from +912668312505 saying he is calling from customer care and when I asked which customer care he said online customer care I asked again which company you are calling from ans he started abusing.
August 2, 2022
My wife photos and there personal details show in aisle dating app.please help me
August 8, 2022
You may file a complaint by referring to the explainer above.
Azam ansari
February 16, 2024
Someone abusing and harassing me from UAE . What should I do
Alka Manral
April 30, 2024
First, do not delete the messages or photos/videos received from this number.. Document or record any communication where the person is harassing you. This will be useful as evidence.
Secondly, do not communicate further with the person.
1. If the person is harassing you through accounts on Instagram or Facebook, you can report that person on the Instagram or Facebook app/website itself: https://help.instagram.com/547601325292351
2. You can file an online cyber complaint at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (https://cybercrime.gov.in/). The website provides instructions as to filing the compaint and the documents necessary for it.
3. You can also call 1930, the national cybercrime helpline number, to report your problem. You can call on the police helpline number 100. In case you are a woman, you can also call the helpline number 1090 (National Woman Helpline) or 181 (Abhayam Helpline) or your state’s helpline number related to the same, which can be found at https://www.indiacustomercare.com/women-helpline-numbers.
If you want to file a complaint at the cyber cell, you will have to either: File a complaint online with your respective state’s Cyber Cell website or Approach the police station where you will have to file an FIR which will be forwarded to the Cyber Cell.
You can file an FIR under the following provisions at the police station:
1. Section 507 of IPC: If this person is threatening you anonymously through a fake account, you can file under Section 507 of IPC. However, you have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2. Section 503 of IPC: If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file under Section 503 of IPC. However, you still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3. Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, you can file under Section 509 of IPC.
4. Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks or sending you pornography, you can file under Section 354A of IPC. 5. Section 354D of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is not allowing you to the internet as you wish, then you can file an FIR for section 354D of IPC.
6. Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file under Section 67 of the IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman.
Alka Manral
May 21, 2024
First, do not delete the messages or photos/videos received from this number.. Document or record any communication where the person is harassing you. This will be useful as evidence.
Secondly, do not communicate further with the person.
1. If the person is harassing you through accounts on Instagram or Facebook, you can report that person on the Instagram or Facebook app/website itself: https://help.instagram.com/547601325292351
2. You can file an online cyber complaint at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (https://cybercrime.gov.in/). The website provides instructions as to filing the compaint and the documents necessary for it.
3. You can also call 1930, the national cybercrime helpline number, to report your problem. You can call on the police helpline number 100. In case you are a woman, you can also call the helpline number 1090 (National Woman Helpline) or 181 (Abhayam Helpline) or your state’s helpline number related to the same, which can be found at https://www.indiacustomercare.com/women-helpline-numbers.
If you want to file a complaint at the cyber cell, you will have to either: File a complaint online with your respective state’s Cyber Cell website or Approach the police station where you will have to file an FIR which will be forwarded to the Cyber Cell.
You can file an FIR under the following provisions at the police station:
1. Section 507 of IPC: If this person is threatening you anonymously through a fake account, you can file under Section 507 of IPC. However, you have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2. Section 503 of IPC: If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file under Section 503 of IPC. However, you still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3. Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, you can file under Section 509 of IPC.
4. Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks or sending you pornography, you can file under Section 354A of IPC. 5. Section 354D of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is not allowing you to the internet as you wish, then you can file an FIR for section 354D of IPC.
6. Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file under Section 67 of the IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman. –
December 7, 2024
First, do not delete the messages or photos/videos received from this number.. Document or record any communication where the person is harassing you. This will be useful as evidence.
Secondly, do not communicate further with the person.
1. If the person is harassing you through accounts on Instagram or Facebook, you can report that person on the Instagram or Facebook app/website itself: https://help.instagram.com/547601325292351
2. You can file an online cyber complaint at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal (https://cybercrime.gov.in/). The website provides instructions as to filing the compaint and the documents necessary for it.
3. You can also call 1930, the national cybercrime helpline number, to report your problem. You can call on the police helpline number 100. In case you are a woman, you can also call the helpline number 1090 (National Woman Helpline) or 181 (Abhayam Helpline) or your state’s helpline number related to the same, which can be found at https://www.indiacustomercare.com/women-helpline-numbers.
If you want to file a complaint at the cyber cell, you will have to either: File a complaint online with your respective state’s Cyber Cell website or Approach the police station where you will have to file an FIR which will be forwarded to the Cyber Cell.
You can file an FIR under the following provisions at the police station:
1. Section 507 of IPC: If this person is threatening you anonymously through a fake account, you can file under Section 507 of IPC. However, you have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2. Section 503 of IPC: If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file under Section 503 of IPC. However, you still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3. Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, you can file under Section 509 of IPC.
4. Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks or sending you pornography, you can file under Section 354A of IPC. 5. Section 354D of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is not allowing you to the internet as you wish, then you can file an FIR for section 354D of IPC.
6. Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file under Section 67 of the IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman.
June 16, 2024
My photos are posted in a roasting channel in a LGBTQ form and harassing by showing to all
September 11, 2024
Apply toCivil court for injunction and complain to police for circulating photos. A lot of will depend on the nature of photos.
Priyanka Paygude
August 7, 2022
My dad beats me and my sister like wild animals and we are sure wlhe can’t control his anger and thinks he has a full right on us and therefore can kill us too.he used to beat out mom also very badly but I don’t know why but she supports him in hitting us.
August 8, 2022
Please go through our explainer on Domestic Violence
Surya N Dash
January 4, 2024
I received a call from +92 3046226893 pretending to be Sub inspector and threatening me for and arrest and for my details and abusing as well.
Kindly suggest what shall be done in this case
Alka Manral
May 30, 2024
This is the case of Cyber Bullying. You can report the crime at National Cybercrime Reporting Portal (NCRP). Alternatively you can call 1930 which is national cybercrime helpline.
December 7, 2024
This is the case of Cyber Bullying. You can report the crime at National Cybercrime Reporting Portal (NCRP). Alternatively you can call 1930 which is national cybercrime helpline.
March 16, 2024
Same here mam I am from Karnataka last night my father beat me up like a wild animal and my mother was supporting him he beat me with belt and scars are on my hand he hit me on head and my brother after knowing he provoke me to fight with him and as result my father beats me he does not beat him if he makes any mistakes he is a actual psycho
ajaz pasha
August 10, 2022
my wife filled false 498a on my whole family 3mnths back she came at home and beaten to my mother and broken the hand bone police not taken action after so many times we compliant but no action my sister got new married last year 1kid born 2days back yesterday my wife called to my sis husband and abused to him and broking my sister marraige life
August 12, 2022
You may refer to our explainer on FIR to file your report.
August 26, 2022
He sir, I contacted to a online OTT smaller but he is abusing me on whatsapp. I have blocked him on whatsapp now he is sending bad messages on facebook messenger. Where I have to complain in this regard.
September 1, 2022
You can complain through any of the mediums mentioned in the explainer above.
August 26, 2022
Hello sir, I contacted to a online OTT seller but he is abusing me on whatsapp. I have blocked him on whatsapp now he is sending bad messages on facebook messenger. Where I have to complain in this regard.
September 5, 2022
You can file a complaint on the Online Complaints Portal mentioned in the explainer above.
Kinjal Singh
September 29, 2022
Hello sir, this is to bring to your notice that i kinjal singh is getting bullied by my fellow school mates by making my fake instagram account and writing shit about me on stories like if you want my nudes dm me and by abusing me but the problem is i don’t know who was doing this but i know for sure that he/she was my fellow school mate.
October 7, 2022
Every day there are several persons who become victims to various offences committed by imposters. These victims have the right to report such instances as the attackers are in violation of various provisions of the Indian Penal Code (fraudulent impersonation is a statutory offence) and the Information Technology Act, 2000.
The most relevant section for fake accounts is Sec 66D of the IT Act which states that: “Whoever, by means of any communication device or computer resource cheats by personation, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend up to three years and shall also be liable to a fine which may extend up to one lakh rupees”. Moreover Sec 66C of the Act states that “Whoever, fraudulently or dishonestly make use of the electronic signature, password or any other unique identification feature of any other person, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to fine with may extend to rupees one lakh.”
In case of fake accounts that are used to cheat others by appropriating the personal information of other users without their consent or by using made-up personal details, the creator can be held liable under Section 416 of the IPC which deals with cheating by personation. The provision states that a person is said to ‘cheat by personation’ if he cheats by pretending to be some other person. The imposter would be held guilty whether the individual personated is a real or imaginary person. Under Section 468, any person who commits forgery of an electronic record for the purpose of cheating would also be held guilty.
September 16, 2022
Someone in Instagram posting derogatory posts against religion
September 19, 2022
You can use the report tool on Instagram to report the post or profile.
September 17, 2022
Someone created a fake account on Instagram and sent very vulgar messages to me and my ex-girlfriend.
September 21, 2022
Step 1: Immediately report the case to the Social Media service provider. For Instagram, you can use the following link to report the impersonation: https://help.instagram.com/370054663112398/?helpref=uf_share
Step 2: Report the case of impersonation and inappropriate messages to the authorities. You can file the complaint in the following ways-
1. Online at https://www.cybercrime.gov.in/
2. At your nearest Police Station
3. At the District Cyber Cells
Following are the documents related requirements for a social media cyber crime complaint-
1. Copy/screenshot of alleged contents/profile
2. Screenshot copy of URL of alleged contents
3. Contents should be in both hard & soft forms
4. Soft copy should be given in CD-R only
August 14, 2023
Hello sir, I don’t known that person he is my village area person but he is abusing me on call . I have blocked Where I have to complain in this regard. Name Kalia
Ph:- 9748522979 this person i don’t known why calling me …
December 10, 2024
The main reason for this pollution is the nearby factories. These factories are not following the rules and laws made to control pollution. Write a complaint letter to the Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board (RSPCB). This is the government agency responsible for controlling pollution. In the complaint, explain about the high air pollution levels and how it is affecting people’s health. Provide proof like medical reports of people suffering from cough, breathing problems etc. They will investigate the matter after receiving the complaint. They have the power to take action against the polluting factories. They can fine the factories, order them to install pollution control equipment, or even shut down the factories if they are not following the rules. They also have to provide a copy of their order to the people who filed the complaint. This order will explain what action has been taken.
September 27, 2022
a big brand posted my picture from Intagram on their commercial website for their personal promotion without asking for my consent or paying for the same or even giving credits and used them for 2 months without my knowledge. When I asked them they said they will take it down. But i need either remuneration or credits for the same. I bought their dress with my own money and tagged them while posting the picture on my page but they used it for commercial purpose without letting me know. I need to know how can I get back at them.
October 7, 2022
A legal notice can be sent to the brand claiming monetary damage and due credits for the photo as the brand is violating your Right to Publicity, the right of an individual to prevent others from using his name, likeness, photograph or image for commercial purposes without obtaining consent. This right (Right to Publicity) was recognized by the Delhi High Court in the case of ICC Development v. Arvee Enterprises (2003).
Using a photograph for commercial purposes without someone’s consent is violation of right to privacy which is considered as unfair trade practice and also misappropriation of intellectual property. The action of the brand is also violating Section 38 and 57 of Copyright Act, 1957 which protects the unauthorized use of authors marketing rights and reputation.
A complaint can also be filed with the Police’s Cyber Cell after submitting a formal written complaint to the cell, after which the cyber cell will carry out its investigation.
July 4, 2023
My relative send recording using abusive language she even use vulgar language and scold my parents and me.
Ashvini Mahajan
October 11, 2022
This was helpful.
Someone has been stalking and abusing me on “Confessout” page and since its an annonymous messaging website, i don’t know the identity. It has been 3+ years. All the vulgar and offensive messages are from the same person. I am totally clueless on what to do. This person even sends me stalking messages like they stalk me in public and message me annonymously on the website about what i wore and how i was looking. This is really traumatising for me to know someone is so abnormally obsessed with abusing and stalking me for absolutely no reason. I doubt certain people though. It will be really helpful if anyone can help me with the issue
October 25, 2022
Stalking is a punishable offense under the Indian Penal Code and you can legally approach the authorities for redressal. Here are two ways to do that-
1. You can file a complaint at your nearest police station and get an FIR registered. You can get an FIR registered even without knowing the identity of the harasser. The police can look for the harasser during investigation. Make sure you mention all the details of case to the police for better investigation.
2. Alternatively, you can file a cyber complaint at https://cybercrime.gov.in/Webform/crmcondi.aspx . For this you have mention your details along with the events that have emerged as stalking behaviour.
March 24, 2024
+918756668463 this number abused’ me
Alka Manral
May 31, 2024
Firstly, make sure to keep the proof and gather further evidence. Take screenshots of the abusive post, comments, calls, and any messages you might have received. Make sure the date and time are visible in the screenshots.
Report the abuse to Instagram: Instagram has mechanisms to report abusive content. You can report the post and the user who abused you. Here’s how to report abuse on Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/165828726894770
Various laws can apply to this situation in case you wish to pursue legal action –
1. Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act): Section 67 deals with publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form.
2. Section 499 of IPC: If this person is using these words to hurt your reputation in front of others, then you can file an FIR for Section 499 of IPC.
3. Section 503 of IPC: If this person is threatening to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, then you can file an FIR for section 503 of IPC.
3) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is using a fake account to threaten to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, you can file an FIR for Section 507 of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks about you, then you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
You can also file an FIR for these sections. If the police officer refuses to register an FIR, you can submit a written application to the Superintendent of Police or you can reach out to any superior police officer like the DIG or IGP. You can also file an online cyber complaint at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/. The website provides instructions as to filing the complaint and the documents necessary for it.
You can also call 1930, the national cybercrime helpline number, to report your problem.
You can call on the police helpline number 100.
In case of a woman, you can also call the helpline numer 1090 (National Woman Helpline) or 181 (Abhayam Helpline) or your state’s helpline number related to the same, which can be found at https://www.indiacustomercare.com/women-helpline-numbers.
December 7, 2024
Firstly, make sure to keep the proof and gather further evidence. Take screenshots of the abusive post, comments, calls, and any messages you might have received. Make sure the date and time are visible in the screenshots.
Report the abuse to Instagram: Instagram has mechanisms to report abusive content. You can report the post and the user who abused you. Here’s how to report abuse on Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/165828726894770
Various laws can apply to this situation in case you wish to pursue legal action –
1. Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act): Section 67 deals with publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form.
2. Section 499 of IPC: If this person is using these words to hurt your reputation in front of others, then you can file an FIR for Section 499 of IPC.
3. Section 503 of IPC: If this person is threatening to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, then you can file an FIR for section 503 of IPC.
3) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is using a fake account to threaten to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, you can file an FIR for Section 507 of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks about you, then you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
You can also file an FIR for these sections. If the police officer refuses to register an FIR, you can submit a written application to the Superintendent of Police or you can reach out to any superior police officer like the DIG or IGP. You can also file an online cyber complaint at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/. The website provides instructions as to filing the complaint and the documents necessary for it.
You can also call 1930, the national cybercrime helpline number, to report your problem.
You can call on the police helpline number 100.
In case of a woman, you can also call the helpline numer 1090 (National Woman Helpline) or 181 (Abhayam Helpline) or your state’s helpline number related to the same, which can be found at https://www.indiacustomercare.com/women-helpline-numbers.
November 21, 2022
Today I Got a call from Near by police station stating that Your Internet was misused and asking to visit police station and to give me a written Letter. I am shocked about that and I am using internet from last 13 Years and never faced this type of issues. Can anyone help me
April 7, 2023
One guy abused our God in Instagram how to give complaint through online with proof
My name is Sakshi Sanjay Patil
August 10, 2023
One of my classmate named Om Taskar used abuse language for me. So I want ro file complaint against him. So I request you to please take this seriously. He also raised his voice in front of me.
June 5, 2023
I sent a girl a picture and she edited it and added some more pictures of mine and is repeatedly asking me for money or else she will send the whole pictures and videos to my friends and families. She is from US and I am from other country. Please help me with this one.
Alka Manral
June 25, 2024
The act of blackmailing by threatening to release personal images, edited or not, is a criminal offense under the IT Act, 2000 and IPC, 1860. Preserve all the evidence, such as communications, edited pictures, their number/email and other evidence. You can file a cyber complaint with cyber crime cell or your local police station. You can also file cyber complaint online here. The legal provisions that deal with your situation are Sec 383 and 389 of IPC for extortion. If the images are sexual in nature, you can file a case under Sec 66E of IT Act for violation of privacy, Sec 67 and 67A of IT Act for transmission of the obscene material.
June 14, 2023
While I was returning from the office, I was harassed by an individual, who appeared to be from a village. He was riding a bike at an excessive speed, putting us in constant danger. The situation escalated when he began verbally abusing and yelling at me. He even threatened me, mentioning his rural background and implying further harm. This incident left me feeling extremely insecure. I believe it’s crucial for some form of justice to be served, perhaps by reaching out to him through a call, to firmly convey that such behavior will not be tolerated. For your reference, the bike’s registration number is HR 51 BX 4039.
December 10, 2024
The best course of action is to report the situation to the police, providing them with the bike’s registration number, HR 51 BX 4039, and describing the harassment and threats you faced. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) has several provisions that can address this situation. For instance, Section 354D deals with stalking, Section 506 addresses criminal intimidation, Section 509 covers words or gestures intended to insult the modesty of a woman, and Section 279 pertains to rash and negligent driving. By filing a First Information Report (FIR) citing these sections, the police can investigate and take appropriate action to ensure your safety. It’s important not to confront the individual directly; let the authorities handle it to help you feel secure and ensure that justice is served.
July 1, 2023
One boy on instagram msg me and try to be my friend…i talk to him for a week he said he is my senior in the same course which im doing,so i share him my number for some documents and my Nrmal pics,onces or twice,then i came to know his behaviour is abusive i stop talking to him and block him from every where,he is reaching me with other number and abusing me and forcing me to meet him once…i block his other number too
I don’t know what he will do further ,he knw my college,my real name and in which class i study…..iam worried if he try to defame me in my college and try to reach my in college….
I can’t share this to my family…
July 6, 2023
One guy gave me abuse words and used abusive language instead of talking wisely on Instagram I have his comments ss and his I’d
July 23, 2023
Hello Sir, i was on Facebook and i got one text and she was asking to text over whatsapp from this number +91 74548 60972 Name Priya on WhatsApp and she started asking for video call. I thought that will be a general convention but sudden she take off her cloths and cutted the call in the night. she is telling she’ll upload that Video on Facebook and other Socia Media Platforms. And in my family. Then she started blackmailing that she will upload my video. Onward I block. Next morning from the other number +91 90407 71815 I got WhatsApp message to calls back and he is telling that he is from crime branch Pritampura Delhi and asking money 11500 rupees to settle the matter in his personal account number
Name: Arun s/o Babulal.
HDFC Bank HDFC0002249
ACCOUNT 50100430894955
Please help…
July 25, 2023
A person have fooled my sister and asked a amount of 1lakh and now refusing to return it. He has invested that amount on Crypto. He is abusing and threatening her. Please suggest.
July 25, 2023
A person have taken huge amount with a promise to return and he has invested in crypto app. Now abusing and threatening her. Please help.
July 29, 2023
If person sudden at outside while cross says pora paaru Thevdiya very bad word
I just ask,I don’t know who he is I just turn and stare at him,if like this situation what will do or react again,please reply…
August 6, 2023
My name is sonia sehgal
This is regarding my daughters and her ex bf .her bf cheated her and harassed her for money and looted her for 1 80 lacs.my daughter age is 22 and his age is 32.i am very scared i am attaching all images of their chats and he used to abuse her badly.i want to book the case i have attached all proofs of their watsapp chats instagram chats and recordings.
Alka Manral
June 10, 2024
Firstly, make sure to keep the proof and gather further evidence. Keep safe screenshots of the abusive texts and any other messages you might have received. Make sure the date and time are visible in the screenshots.
Report the abuse to Instagram: Instagram has mechanisms to report abusive content. You can report the post and the user who abused you. Here’s how to report abuse on Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/165828726894770
Various laws can apply to this situation in case you wish to pursue legal action –
1. Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act): Section 67 deals with publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form.
2. Section 499 of IPC: If this person is using these slang words to hurt your reputation in front of others, then you can file an FIR for Section 499 of IPC.
3. Section 503 of IPC: If this person is threatening to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, then you can file an FIR for section 503 of IPC.
3) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is using a fake account to threaten to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, you can file an FIR for Section 507 of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks about you, then you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
To file the FIR, you can approach the Cyber Cell at the nearby police station. If there is no cyber cell, then you can file an FIR at any Police Station. You can also file a cyber complaint on this website – National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/
Regarding the money, you may call the police and file an FIR under section 383 (Extortion). Her ex-boyfriend can be jailed for upto 3 years for this, and there will be remedy to get the money back.
December 7, 2024
Firstly, make sure to keep the proof and gather further evidence. Keep safe screenshots of the abusive texts and any other messages you might have received. Make sure the date and time are visible in the screenshots.
Report the abuse to Instagram: Instagram has mechanisms to report abusive content. You can report the post and the user who abused you. Here’s how to report abuse on Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/165828726894770
Various laws can apply to this situation in case you wish to pursue legal action –
1. Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act): Section 67 deals with publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form.
2. Section 499 of IPC: If this person is using these slang words to hurt your reputation in front of others, then you can file an FIR for Section 499 of IPC.
3. Section 503 of IPC: If this person is threatening to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, then you can file an FIR for section 503 of IPC.
3) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is using a fake account to threaten to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, you can file an FIR for Section 507 of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks about you, then you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
To file the FIR, you can approach the Cyber Cell at the nearby police station. If there is no cyber cell, then you can file an FIR at any Police Station. You can also file a cyber complaint on this website – National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/
Regarding the money, you may call the police and file an FIR under section 383 (Extortion). Her ex-boyfriend can be jailed for upto 3 years for this, and there will be remedy to get the money back.
August 16, 2023
Dear Sir,
I would like to register a complaint against Mr. Sonu Dhariya for online harassment. He has been spreading fake news about me and my private photographs in my locality. He has been sharing with my relatives, Area people, neighbors on social media and internet. This is causing me a lots of mental trauma.
Pl help me by catching this guy and get all my photographs in his possesion deleted.
He used to study with me in college.
His details are as follows,
Name: Sonu Dhariya
Phone num: 9818642138, 8851907887, 9873465305, 925806687
Address: Ashok Nagar
March 1, 2025
We are sorry that you are constantly facing harrasment, and in order to put a stop to the same, we suggest you to file a complaint against the said individual to the nearest police station under Section 77 of BNS, which defines the offense of Voyeurism, and Section 79 of BNS, which contains punishment with regards to mental harrasment. We also suggest you to contact the female helpline of the state police and mention this problem to them. In case the Police officers are not responsive at the nearest police station, we suggest you to file a complaint at the SP Office.
Funsho olu
September 5, 2023
A perpetrator who is a student of Fuoye has been blackmailing a girl in order to collect money from her, threaten to post her nude on line. Please help.
Alka Manral
September 3, 2024
Your friend can report to the local police station and file charges under Section 77 of the BNS for the unauthorized sharing of her images online and under Section 308(1) of the BNS for extortion. The person is threatening to publish her images and this can be included in the police complaint by her additionally filing charges for defamation under Section 356(1) of the BNS and for criminal intimidation under Section 351(1) of the BNS.
If the girl is a minor (under 18) and the accused is an adult (above 18), charges can be filed under Sections 13, 14, and 15 of the POCSO Act for child pornography, which includes any nude photographs taken or transmitted to exploit a child under 18. Charges can also be filed under Sections 67, 67(A), and 67(B) of the IT Act for publishing obscene material online and 66E for the violation of privacy. If she encounters difficulties in getting an FIR registered, contact the police commissioner. The National Commission for Women can also assist in dealing with the police for such complaints. Additionally, organizations like https://stopncii.org/ or https://takeitdown.ncmec.org/ can help her remove images if they are already online.
December 7, 2024
Your friend can report to the local police station and file charges under Section 77 of the BNS for the unauthorized sharing of her images online and under Section 308(1) of the BNS for extortion. The person is threatening to publish her images and this can be included in the police complaint by her additionally filing charges for defamation under Section 356(1) of the BNS and for criminal intimidation under Section 351(1) of the BNS.
If the girl is a minor (under 18) and the accused is an adult (above 18), charges can be filed under Sections 13, 14, and 15 of the POCSO Act for child pornography, which includes any nude photographs taken or transmitted to exploit a child under 18. Charges can also be filed under Sections 67, 67(A), and 67(B) of the IT Act for publishing obscene material online and 66E for the violation of privacy. If she encounters difficulties in getting an FIR registered, contact the police commissioner. The National Commission for Women can also assist in dealing with the police for such complaints. Additionally, organizations like https://stopncii.org/ or https://takeitdown.ncmec.org/ can help her remove images if they are already online.
September 11, 2023
I know a guy who is threatning me by calls and giving verbal abuses but i do not have any call recordings but i have name place and every details what to do
Alka Manral
September 3, 2024
You may take screenshots of the abusive post, comments, calls, and any messages you might receive. The date and time should be visible in the screenshots.
Various laws can apply to this situation in case you wish to pursue legal action –
1. Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act): Section 67 deals with publishing
or transmitting obscene material in electronic form.
2. Section 503 of IPC: If this person is threatening to cause injury to your reputation so that you are
scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, then you can file an FIR for section 503
of IPC.
3. Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words,
or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
You can also file an FIR for these sections.
You can also file an online cyber complaint at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal:
https://cybercrime.gov.in/. The website provides instructions as to filing the complaint and the
documents necessary for it.
You can also call 1930, the national cybercrime helpline number, to report your problem.
You can call on the police helpline number 100.
In case of a woman, you can also call the helpline numer 1090 (National Woman Helpline)
or 181 (Abhayam Helpline) or your state’s helpline number related to the same,
which can be found at https://www.indiacustomercare.com/women-helpline-numbers.
September 12, 2023
In a youtube live channel, few persons are abusing others by using foul language and unparliamentary words in the comments section
Alka Manral
September 3, 2024
you can go to the youtube livestream, select the message which you feel is inappropriate and report it- stating the reason for the report.
Raj Karan Rajput
September 14, 2023
Sir this mobile number 6372745204 is harassing me with made dirty fake video of mine.
September 16, 2023
Sir,I am Asutosh Dey, from Agartala, Tripura, I had a Facebook friend by name Anjali Sharma,probably form Gujarat,she started to call me on vdo calls,at any time day or night and overnight when two days ago I made an audio call to warn her she requested to go on vdo call,she called me and stated to show vulger activities, when I stopped the vdo she messaged me to give her money or she will upload her vdo with my screen shot. I got frightened and deleted messenger and what’s app. Next day an unknown no.called me several times,I received it,no.was 7995343917,he said he is a officer from Delhi Crime branch,where the girl has reported against me,the officer gave me another no.8797673185 named Rahul Sharma,YOUTUBE upload Department, to negotiated with him for not to upload the content.The officer also said me inform him very soon about our negotiations.
Sir,I am in undone,please tell me what shal I do.
Alka Manral
September 2, 2024
You can report this as a cyber-crime on the National Cyber-Crime Reporting Portal. You can find the link here: https://cybercrime.gov.in/Webform/Index.aspx You can also approach the Cyber Cell at your nearest Police Station and file a complaint under Section 67 of the IT Act.
September 17, 2023
some college boys make my fighting video in class and upload this and now im very upset
Alka Manral
September 2, 2024
Most educational institutions have a grievance redressal mechanism. You can approach your college authorities and file a formal complaint. They can take disciplinary action against the students involved.
If the video has been uploaded to a social media platform, you can file a complaint with the platform for content removal. Most platforms have policies against non-consensual sharing of personal videos and will remove the content if it violates their guidelines.
September 18, 2023
Someone use my name on Instagram and post my pictures on it without my permission I’m really worried about it what should i do now
Alka Manral
June 10, 2024
Firstly, do not delete the messages or photos/videos received from this number. These can be used as evidence in the case.
You can file an online cyber complaint at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/. The website provides instructions as to filing the complaint and the documents necessary for it.
You can also call 1930, the national cybercrime helpline number, to report your problem.
You can call on the police helpline number 100.
In case of a woman, you can also call the helpline numer 1090 (National Woman Helpline) or 181 (Abhayam Helpline) or your state’s helpline number related to the same, which can be found at https://www.indiacustomercare.com/women-helpline-numbers.
You can also file an FIR under sections 292 (sale of obscene books, pamphlets, etc.), 503, 506, 507 (criminal intimidation) of the IPC and sections 66E (violation of privacy), 67 (publishing/transmitting obscene material in electronic form), 67A (publishing/transmitting material containing sexually explicit act in electronic form) of the IT Act. If the police officer refuses to register an FIR, you can submit a written application to the Superintendent of Police or you can reach out to any superior police officer like the DIG or IGP.
December 7, 2024
Firstly, do not delete the messages or photos/videos received from this number. These can be used as evidence in the case.
You can file an online cyber complaint at the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/. The website provides instructions as to filing the complaint and the documents necessary for it.
You can also call 1930, the national cybercrime helpline number, to report your problem.
You can call on the police helpline number 100.
In case of a woman, you can also call the helpline numer 1090 (National Woman Helpline) or 181 (Abhayam Helpline) or your state’s helpline number related to the same, which can be found at https://www.indiacustomercare.com/women-helpline-numbers.
You can also file an FIR under sections 292 (sale of obscene books, pamphlets, etc.), 503, 506, 507 (criminal intimidation) of the IPC and sections 66E (violation of privacy), 67 (publishing/transmitting obscene material in electronic form), 67A (publishing/transmitting material containing sexually explicit act in electronic form) of the IT Act. If the police officer refuses to register an FIR, you can submit a written application to the Superintendent of Police or you can reach out to any superior police officer like the DIG or IGP.
September 18, 2023
I’m working in well reputed company and my job is to work as HR recruiter, so I was taking an interview of my candidates and one of them were first ready with terms& conditions and process that he have to go through..but still I was doubting him because of his excuses..and suddenly today he stated blabbering and started claiming baseless accusations about my company and about the job profile..started using nasty words and he has harassed me personally! Even though I’ve talked to him politely that why didn’t you asked me about the authenticity even though I was asking you in the interview round itself that whether you have any doubts or questions regarding the job profile then do let me know but you didn’t asked after reading all these messages still he was misbehaving with me and harassed me. I’ve complained to my senior and to the job portal from where he had applied for the job. I don’t know what to do that time but I was just surprised, disappointed and depressed! He was the scammer and abuser but he was putting baseless allegations to my company and harassed me. Kindly do some needful.
Alka Manral
September 2, 2024
You could block and report him on the platform he is harassing you on. You could also register a complaint for cyber bullying on the cybercrime portal if the matter is serious, please keep screenshots handy for the same. If the texts are sexually obscene in nature, you could file a case under section 66E of the IT Act, along with a complaint on the cybercrime portal. A penal complaint under section 75 of the BNS may also be filed in such a case, depending on the nature of the messages.
Rituparna Ghoshal
September 20, 2023
Ami wants to file a defamation case against gold ruppe loan with syber crime. Please take legal steps. I am a woman they are sending some editing sexual images to my phn. Herras are doing me mentally, they are sending those pics to everyone by hacking my phn’s contact list. They are threatening me. My fault is that I could not pay them some amount.I will give them the rest of money.But they are harassing me and defaming me. please do some action against them.
They are sending these to me from these numbers 923410439227,923044432981,923477230263
Alka Manral
September 2, 2024
You can report this incident on the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal. The government has a special programme for Cyber-crime related to Women. You can find the link to report here: https://cybercrime.gov.in/Webform/Index.aspx
Rituparna Ghoshal
September 20, 2023
i wants to file a defamation case against gold ruppe loan with syber crime. Please take legal steps. I am a woman they are sending sexual image to my phn. Herras are doing me mentally, they are sending those pics to everyone by hacking my phn’s contact list. They are threatening me. My fault is that I could not pay them some amount.I will give them the rest of money .But they are harassing me and defaming me. please do some action against them.
They are sending these to me from these numbers 923410439227,923044432981,923477230263
September 22, 2023
Someone threatening me to kill me in Instagram,
What should I don’t I want arrest him but he is khalistani supporter who live in Punjabi and I’m from another state also o don’t want to know this issue my father
Alka Manral
September 2, 2024
The aggrieved can file a cyber crime complaint online or go to a cyber crime police station and file such a complaint, either way, you approach the police nobody will know or find out about it unless you show them the complaint copy or you tell them, if the person is known to do this the police will arrest him they will use your case details as evidence only, and if he is a first-time offender the police will warn him and he will be on watch and notice, you can report this to the social media app you are using and then block him as well, if he somehow finds some way to trouble you then you can file a complaint of cyber harassment as well.
December 7, 2024
The aggrieved can file a cyber crime complaint online or go to a cyber crime police station and file such a complaint, either way, you approach the police nobody will know or find out about it unless you show them the complaint copy or you tell them, if the person is known to do this the police will arrest him they will use your case details as evidence only, and if he is a first-time offender the police will warn him and he will be on watch and notice, you can report this to the social media app you are using and then block him as well, if he somehow finds some way to trouble you then you can file a complaint of cyber harassment as well.
September 26, 2023
But sir In cybercrime Portal it is mentioned that this portal specially focus on Cyber Crime Related to Women/Child’, Why is it so, I mean Y it is not Gender Neutral ,Y it doesn’t focus on male, What Will male do if female will blackmail them by editing their photo, and Y now a days blackmailing male by female is increasing but is going Unreported in India.
Alka Manral
September 2, 2024
There is a separate tab on the portal where males can report any cybercrime that has occurred where they are the victim. At present the Government of India has made the Women and Child Reporting specific tab so that the reporting can be accepted and acted upon as fast as possible because of the increase in hate content against them being more, if a male is facing such an issue they can report under the 3rd option mentioned in the website if the male has shared any nudes with the blackmailer it is advised to first take screenshots of the entire chats to be used as evidence and any video that was shared and saved by the blackmailer you can upload the same video on this website (https://stopncii.org) so it can be taken down from the internet if uploaded anywhere and using the hashn umber given from this site you can file a cyber crime police complaint online or at the station
September 28, 2023
Iam 18 years old . I had a relationship when I was 16 and he asked me to send nudes. But I refused to send nudes and that created problems in our relationship. I was feeling really bad of having this relationship and I broke up with him and he began to blackmail me. He told me that he’d spread rumours about me that he kissed me, he touched my private parts and etc. But I didn’t care. I was living in some peace after that. After someday he tried to contact me again. He wanted to be my friend and I said ok let’s be friends. But I didn’t knew that his ultimate aim was to make me his. That caused me trauma. And I was mentally feeling bad. I just tried to suicide because I know he’ll threaten me until I die. And after seeing the bleeding hand of mine that I sent him, he blocked me and left. I thought he’ll never come back again. But I was wrong. He came like after an year and tried to get in touch with me. But this time I was really prepared. He wanted to meet me. But I refused. Whenever he tries to contact me, Iam getting so much trouble. I’m just afraid of him. He contacted me yesterday too. And I blocked him. I don’t know what he want. I told him I’m over him and I got a new boyfriend. He’s still haunting me in my dreams and my life. What should I do???😭😭
Alka Manral
September 2, 2024
You may approach the police and file a complaint of blackmail and also approach the court to file a defamation case. You can also file a case of harassment against the accused, and if you are ready to approach the court you can file a case against him to get a restraining order which is also known as a protection order so that he cannot contact you and if he violates the orders of the court he may be arrested for it, 3 Would suggest personally through go to a mental health professional to get more help and try to contact the suicide helpline 9152987821 or call 112 so that they can give immediate help
Vikas Tiwari
September 29, 2023
In the case of cheque bounce of Rs 550000 Abhineet verma vs Rishabh mittal & Ors complainaint available with his attorney Sushil Chawla , Accused Rishabh Mittal & third party not present.
Hence under section 138 and section 420 matter to be placed in the court of honourable judge Vikas Tiwari on 17.10.2023.
Both Accused parties to file their bail bond of Rs 20000 each on or before 02.10.2023
October 2, 2023
9814512279 & 9669783328, recieved call from these numbers… he asked me if I have 5 minutes, i politely conveyed that cannot not talk… he again called me n talked abusive. I have to then cut the call… I wish report this number.. n whatever action is possible, i request the concern dept to take it.
Alka Manral
September 2, 2024
You can report this to your local police station for harassment and if he keeps calling again and again you can try to record this conversation so that you can provide it as evidence to the police and then block his number’s
Adhiraj singh bedi
October 3, 2023
A person has put my edited photo on his dp that really hurts me and I fell like harassment his no. 8860660188 his name is Lakshsy kindly block his number and report it
Alka Manral
September 2, 2024
You can sue him under Section 66E of the Information and Technology Act, 2000. This section deals with the violation of privacy by capturing, publishing or transmitting an image of a private area of any person without his or her consent. The punishment for this crime is either three years in prison or a fine of not more than two lakh rupees, or both. You can file a complaint online here – https://www.meity.gov.in/content/complaint-registration-form or here – https://cybercrime.gov.in/Webform/Index.aspx
October 6, 2023
There is a group of 3 girls who prank people by using random IDs from different IDs and harass the public
I am a victim of these people’s prank and when I confirmed with them, they were blaming me instead
Please help me
Alka Manral
September 2, 2024
You may document all the evidences available like the phone call etc and report the harassment to relevant authorities like the Cyber Cell department. Official channels can be used to address the situation safely and legally, rather than confronting or retaliating against the harassers directly.
October 21, 2023
He called many times and using abusive language 7*********
October 30, 2023
My friend who’s just 17 is being bullied and harrassed on the quroa app. Her fake profile has been made and she’s been body shamed, sexually abused and her personal information is been exploited.
Bhupendra tiwari
November 19, 2023
There is someone who try to abuse me and say talk really shit about me please asap do something
October 21, 2024
If the abusive behavior involves stalking or any form of persistent harassment, you can seek recourse under Secrion 74(1) of BNS whic deals with harassment.A compaint under Section 356 of BNS deals criminal defamation.If someone is commenting defamatory statements, the you can file complaint under this section as well.
Ekta Tuli
November 21, 2023
Hi all,
I joined a company called corporate executive board in 2011 and worked with womanizer shaurav sen and his team. He tried to harrass me and then I left the company. After leaving the organisation, shaurav sen hacked my phone, all social media Channels and email platform. He tortured me very badly and destroyed my life and career. He did my character assassination mutual times. We are sitting in 2023 and till date he is troubling me via cyber crime and phone hacking. Pls help and save me. I also deserve to live a free life like any other individual in India. He then threatened me for life attacks and kidnapping if I don’t marry his acquaintance arjun jolly. Pls take action against such goons like shaurav sen and arjun jolly who torture women and make life hell for women.
December 3, 2023
One boy every day told me that he viral personal pic in social media.What can I do
Alka Manral
May 30, 2024
It’s understandable to feel overwhelmed and anxious when facing threats like these. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what you can do:
You can reach out to the National Commission for Women Helpline at 7827170170 for assistance and guidance. They can offer support and resources to help you navigate through this challenging situation.
Report to Cybercrime Authorities: If the threats are severe or persistent, you can file a complaint with the cybercrime authorities at https://cybercrime.gov.in Provide them with all the evidence you have gathered. They have the expertise to investigate such cases and take necessary actions against the perpetrator.
If you know the identity of the person threatening you, go to your local police station and ask to file a complaint. Explain the situation to the police officers and provide them with the evidence you have gathered.
December 8, 2023
A friend of mine got online threats on Instagram about leaking obscene photographs of them if they doesn’t pay money. She was scared and paid ₹2000 plus some extra vouchers. A similar threat has come upon them and threats too. We filed an online anonymous complaint. I was hoping to go to the police station and file a fir but the victim is scared of her name coming out in the open and her parents coming to know of the situation. Please tell me if I can go and file an FIR with their consent instead of them going.
Alka Manral
June 10, 2024
It’s commendable that you’re taking proactive steps to support your friend. In India, the offense your friend is facing falls under cybercrime, specifically extortion and intimidation using electronic communication mediums like Instagram. This is a serious offense and is punishable under the Information Technology Act, 2000, and other relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code.
The remedy available under Indian law for such offenses includes:
Filing an FIR (First Information Report): This is the first step in initiating a criminal investigation. An FIR can be filed at the nearest police station where the offense occurred or where the victim resides. It’s crucial to provide all relevant details and evidence to the police.
Legal Action: Once an FIR is filed, the police will investigate the matter. If sufficient evidence is found, the perpetrator can be arrested and prosecuted in court.
Cyber Cell Complaint: Since this involves online threats, your friend can also approach the Cyber Crime Cell of the police department. They specialize in handling cybercrimes and can provide specific expertise in dealing with cases like these.
Legal Counsel: It’s advisable for your friend to seek legal counsel to understand their rights and options under the law. A lawyer can provide guidance throughout the legal process and ensure that your friend’s interests are protected.
Regarding your question about filing the FIR on behalf of your friend, it’s best to consult with local authorities or legal experts. In some cases, a person can authorize another individual to file an FIR on their behalf, especially if they’re facing threats or concerns about their identity being disclosed.
However, the specifics of this process may vary depending on the jurisdiction and the policies of the local police department. It’s essential to ensure that all legal procedures are followed correctly to ensure the best possible outcome for your friend.
Encourage your friend to gather any evidence they have, such as screenshots of the threats, and document all communication with the perpetrator. This information will be valuable in supporting their case during the investigation.
Most importantly, reassure your friend that seeking help is the right thing to do, and they’re not alone in this situation. It’s crucial to address these threats promptly to prevent further harm and ensure the safety and well-being of your friend.
January 9, 2024
I have one question, my father beats my mom, abuse her verbally daily because of that me and my mom are under a lot of pressure. He is in politics and threatened us that if we leave him or did not obey him then he will file a false complaint against us and we will be behind the lockup as he has many politics link
What to do in this case?
Alka Manral
May 30, 2024
This is the case of domestic violence. You can reach out for help to National Commission for women at 7827170170. As per IPC Section 498A (BNS Section 84) cruelty is an offence with a jail time for three years. For legal Aid, you can check National Commission for Women website at http://www.ncw.nic.in/helplines.
December 7, 2024
This is the case of domestic violence. You can reach out for help to National Commission for women at 7827170170. As per IPC Section 498A (BNS Section 84) cruelty is an offence with a jail time for three years. For legal Aid, you can check National Commission for Women website at http://www.ncw.nic.in/helplines.
Arun Kumar
February 4, 2024
Someone bulling me and black mailing me on WhatsApp and Instagram from these two numbers +91 85989 41093
+91 89173 84975
Alka Manral
April 18, 2024
In case of facing cyber bullying and blackmailing you can file a complaint in the national portal regarding the same while mentioning the two numbers in the relevant details section of the case. Before filing the complaint make sure to collect sufficient evidence and blocking the numbers for your peace and security. Then follow the following process:
1. Go to https://cybercrime.gov.in/
2. Click on ‘Report other cyber crimes’ on the menu.
3. Click on ‘File a Complaint.
4. You can either report anonymously if you are a woman or child or click on “”Report other Cyber Crimes.””
5. Read the conditions and accept them.
6. Register your mobile number and fill in your name and State.
7. Fill in the relevant details about the offence.
You can also report the offence anonymously. After reporting, you can track your report on the same website.
Alka Manral
May 22, 2024
In case of facing cyber bullying and blackmailing you can file a complaint in the national portal regarding the same while mentioning the two numbers in the relevant details section of the case. Before filing the complaint make sure to collect sufficient evidence and blocking the numbers for your peace and security. Then follow the following process:
1. Go to https://cybercrime.gov.in/
2. Click on ‘Report other cyber crimes’ on the menu.
3. Click on ‘File a Complaint.
4. You can either report anonymously if you are a woman or child or click on “Report other Cyber Crimes.”
5. Read the conditions and accept them.
6. Register your mobile number and fill in your name and State.
7. Fill in the relevant details about the offence.
You can also report the offence anonymously. After reporting, you can track your report on the same website.
November 8, 2024
In case of facing cyber bullying and blackmailing you can file a complaint in the national portal regarding the same while mentioning the two numbers in the relevant details section of the case. Before filing the complaint make sure to collect sufficient evidence and blocking the numbers for your peace and security. Then follow the following process:
1. Go to https://cybercrime.gov.in/
2. Click on ‘Report other cyber crimes’ on the menu.
3. Click on ‘File a Complaint.
4. You can either report anonymously if you are a woman or child or click on “Report other Cyber Crimes.”
5. Read the conditions and accept them.
6. Register your mobile number and fill in your name and State.
7. Fill in the relevant details about the offence.
You can also report the offence anonymously. After reporting, you can track your report on the same website.
February 5, 2024
One guy abused on my instagram portal
To much bad language
Alka Manral
April 18, 2024
Firstly, Instagram provides the option to report such abusive comments on the portal itself. The steps are as follows:
1. Click next to the comment you want to report.
2. Click Report.
3. Select an option for why the comment is abusive, then follow the on-screen instructions. Note: After you report a comment you’ll no longer see it, but this doesn’t mean the comment was removed by Instagram.
After you report a comment, you can also choose to restrict or block the person whose comment you reported.
Bear in mind that your report is anonymous, except if you’re reporting an intellectual property infringement. The account you reported won’t see who reported them. Moreover, if someone continues to send violating messages, Instagram will disable their account. They also disable new accounts created to get around our messaging restrictions, and will continue to disable accounts they find that are created purely to send abusive messages.
Apart from that you can also file a cyber-crime report on the national portal by:
1. Go to https://cybercrime.gov.in/
2. Click on ‘Report other cyber crimes’ on the menu.
3. Click on ‘File a Complaint.
4. You can either report anonymously if you are a woman or child or click on “Report other Cyber Crimes.”
5. Read the conditions and accept them.
6. Register your mobile number and fill in your name and State.
7. Fill in the relevant details about the offence.
You can also report the offence anonymously. After reporting, you can track your report on the same website.
February 7, 2024
Hi. My dad has been abusing my mom since so many years. Few days ago, he was drinking and riding two wheeler and had to pick mom from shop. Mom asked him to go slow but he did not listen. He said her “I’m gonna kill you’ and then went in a quite high speed and she fell from the 2 wheeler. He just left her there and he went away. He’s been drinking and abusing her since many years. Few years ago, he was daognised with Heart disease. Ever since that, we all have been taking care of him so much. But he doesn’t care about that and keeps drinking. He’s literally wasting everyone’s money just for drinking purpose. He is not taking care of us. He keeps threatening us.
Few weeks ago, we came to know that he’s been having an affair with another lady. Ever since mom came to know, he is trying to hurt mom.
Kindly help me with a solution.
Alka Manral
May 30, 2024
Firstly, you may report such acts either to the police or women’s helpline 1090. These acts are defined as “any act of cruelty” under our legal system. Acts of Cruelty are punishable under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code. It includes physical injuries as well as mental harm and harassment. Furthermore, you may also register a case under the Domestice Violence Act for physical or mental injury and seek protection orders, including restraining orders, residence orders, and monetary relief for ensuring the safety and well-being of the victim and their children. It also provides for legal aid, counselling as well as right to maintenance. Furthermore, as a last resort, adultery (if your father is having an affair with someone else) and non-maintenance (if he is not taking care of your mother and you) are adequate grounds for Divorce as per Indian Divorce Act, Hindu Marriage Act and other personal laws.
December 7, 2024
Firstly, you may report such acts either to the police or women’s helpline 1090. These acts are defined as “any act of cruelty” under our legal system. Acts of Cruelty are punishable under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code. It includes physical injuries as well as mental harm and harassment. Furthermore, you may also register a case under the Domestice Violence Act for physical or mental injury and seek protection orders, including restraining orders, residence orders, and monetary relief for ensuring the safety and well-being of the victim and their children. It also provides for legal aid, counselling as well as right to maintenance. Furthermore, as a last resort, adultery (if your father is having an affair with someone else) and non-maintenance (if he is not taking care of your mother and you) are adequate grounds for Divorce as per Indian Divorce Act, Hindu Marriage Act and other personal laws.
Komal jaiswal
February 19, 2024
Someone abused me publicly on my Facebook page, he used most slang words. I have proof, kindly help
Alka Manral
April 26, 2024
Gather Evidence: You mentioned you have proof of the abuse, which is crucial. Save screenshots or recordings of the abusive posts or messages as evidence. Make sure to include timestamps if possible.
Report to Facebook: Start by reporting the abusive content to Facebook. They have mechanisms in place to deal with harassment and abuse on their platform. You can usually find the option to report abusive content by clicking on the three dots (…) next to the post or message.
File a Police Complaint: If the abuse is severe or continues despite reporting to Facebook, you can consider filing a complaint with the police. Cybercrime units in various cities handle cases related to online harassment. You can visit your local police station or contact the cybercrime cell for guidance on how to proceed. Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000: This is the primary legislation governing cybercrimes in India. Some relevant sections under this act include:
Section 66C: Punishment for identity theft.
Section 66D: Punishment for cheating by personation using computer resource.
Section 66E: Punishment for violation of privacy.
Indian Penal Code (IPC): Certain sections of the IPC deal with offenses related to online abuse and harassment, such as:
Section 499: Defamation.
Section 500: Punishment for defamation.
Section 506: Punishment for criminal intimidation.
Section 509: Word, gesture, or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman.
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005: This act provides protection to women from various forms of abuse, including online abuse. It can be applicable in cases where the victim is a woman and the abuse constitutes domestic violence.
Section 354D of the IPC (Voyeurism): This section deals with the offense of voyeurism, which includes capturing, publishing, or transmitting images of a woman engaging in a private act without her consent.
Section 67 of the IT Act: This section deals with publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form, which can be applicable in cases involving the transmission of abusive or obscene content online.
These are just some of the legal provisions that may apply, and the specific sections to be invoked would depend on the nature of the abuse and the circumstances of the case.
Alka Manral
May 30, 2024
Firstly, make sure to keep the proof and gather further evidence. Take screenshots of the abusive post, comments, and any messages you might have received. Make sure the date and time are visible in the screenshots.
Report the abuse to Facebook: Facebook has mechanisms to report abusive content. You can report the post and the user who abused you. Here’s how to report abuse on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/171757096241231
Various laws can apply to this situation in case you wish to pursue legal action –
1. Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act): Section 67 deals with publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form.
2. Section 499 of IPC: If this person is using these slang words to hurt your reputation in front of others, then you can file an FIR for Section 499 of IPC.
3. Section 503 of IPC: If this person is threatening to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, then you can file an FIR for section 503 of IPC.
3) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is using a fake account to threaten to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, you can file an FIR for Section 507 of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks about you, then you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC. 6) Section 509B of IPC: If you are a woman from Chhattisgarh and this person does anything which is obscene or indecent so that he can harass you or cause annoyance or mental agony to you, then you can file an FIR for Section 509B of IPC.
To file the FIR, you can approach the Cyber Cell at the nearby police station. If there is no cyber cell, then you can file an FIR at any Police Station. You can also file a cyber complaint on this website – National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/
December 7, 2024
Firstly, make sure to keep the proof and gather further evidence. Take screenshots of the abusive post, comments, and any messages you might have received. Make sure the date and time are visible in the screenshots.
Report the abuse to Facebook: Facebook has mechanisms to report abusive content. You can report the post and the user who abused you. Here’s how to report abuse on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/171757096241231
Various laws can apply to this situation in case you wish to pursue legal action –
1. Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act): Section 67 deals with publishing or transmitting obscene material in electronic form.
2. Section 499 of IPC: If this person is using these slang words to hurt your reputation in front of others, then you can file an FIR for Section 499 of IPC.
3. Section 503 of IPC: If this person is threatening to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, then you can file an FIR for section 503 of IPC.
3) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is using a fake account to threaten to cause injury to your reputation so that you are scared or so that you do something you do not want to do, you can file an FIR for Section 507 of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks about you, then you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC. 6) Section 509B of IPC: If you are a woman from Chhattisgarh and this person does anything which is obscene or indecent so that he can harass you or cause annoyance or mental agony to you, then you can file an FIR for Section 509B of IPC.
To file the FIR, you can approach the Cyber Cell at the nearby police station. If there is no cyber cell, then you can file an FIR at any Police Station. You can also file a cyber complaint on this website – National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal: https://cybercrime.gov.in/
Monika Singh
March 2, 2024
A woman on Instagram is verbally abusing me and calling me a whore, that questions my reputation in my society.
Alka Manral
April 30, 2024
First, block this account, or report the said account to Instagram. Further, various laws can apply to this situation:
1) Section 503 of IPC: In the case of an individual threatening another citizen with the intention to either alarm or malign reputation, the former is liable to be penalised with a jail term of two years. If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file an FIR for Section 503 of IPC. You will still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is performing these actions anonymously through a fake account, then you can file an FIR under Section 507 of IPC. However, you will have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3) Section 354A of IPC: If this person is posting/messaging content related to pornography against your will or requesting sexual favours, you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file an FIR for Section 67 of IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman.
You can approach any cyber cell, police station, the National Commission for Women, or POSH Committee as well depending on the relevant facts and circumstances
Alka Manral
May 21, 2024
First, block this account, or report the said account to Instagram. Further, various laws can apply to this situation:
1) Section 503 of IPC: In the case of an individual threatening another citizen with the intention to either alarm or malign reputation, the former is liable to be penalised with a jail term of two years. If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file an FIR for Section 503 of IPC. You will still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is performing these actions anonymously through a fake account, then you can file an FIR under Section 507 of IPC. However, you will have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3) Section 354A of IPC: If this person is posting/messaging content related to pornography against your will or requesting sexual favours, you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file an FIR for Section 67 of IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman.
You can approach any cyber cell, police station, the National Commission for Women, or POSH Committee as well depending on the relevant facts and circumstances.
December 7, 2024
First, block this account, or report the said account to Instagram. Further, various laws can apply to this situation:
1) Section 503 of IPC: In the case of an individual threatening another citizen with the intention to either alarm or malign reputation, the former is liable to be penalised with a jail term of two years. If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file an FIR for Section 503 of IPC. You will still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is performing these actions anonymously through a fake account, then you can file an FIR under Section 507 of IPC. However, you will have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3) Section 354A of IPC: If this person is posting/messaging content related to pornography against your will or requesting sexual favours, you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file an FIR for Section 67 of IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman.
You can approach any cyber cell, police station, the National Commission for Women, or POSH Committee as well depending on the relevant facts and circumstances.
March 26, 2024
I have a friend named Roshan. He abused me on Instagram I ignored but again he abuse me. Then I also abused him but he can’t stop they abused my family and ask me that Do whatever you want, I am not afraid of anyone. And he also said that Even if you tell the government, you are not afraid of anyone.
Alka Manral
May 30, 2024
Firstly, consider blocking this friend. After that, various laws can apply to this situation:
1) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is performing these actions anonymously through a fake account, you can file an FIR for Section 507 of IPC. However, you will have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2) Section 503 of IPC: If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file an FIR for Section 503 of IPC. However, you will still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3) Section 354D of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is not allowing you to use the internet as you wish, then you can file an FIR for Section 354D of IPC.
4) Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks or sending you pornography, you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
5) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
6) Section 509B of IPC: If you are a woman from Chhattisgarh and this person does anything which is obscene or indecent so that he can harass you or cause annoyance or mental agony to you, then you can file an FIR for Section 509B of IPC.
7) Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file an FIR for Section 67 of IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman. To file the FIR, you can approach the Cyber Cell at the nearby police station. If there is no cyber cell, then you can file an FIR at any Police Station.
Alka Manral
May 30, 2024
First, block this account, or report the said account to Instagram. Further, various laws can apply to this situation:
1) Section 503 of IPC: In the case of an individual threatening another citizen with the intention to either alarm or malign reputation, the former is liable to be penalised with a jail term of two years. If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file an FIR for Section 503 of IPC. You will still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is performing these actions anonymously through a fake account, then you can file an FIR under Section 507 of IPC. However, you will have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3) Section 354A of IPC: If this person is posting/messaging content related to pornography against your will or requesting sexual favours, you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file an FIR for Section 67 of IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman.
The complaint can be made on the portal http://www.cyberpolice.gov.in/ or could be made on the helpline number ‘155260’.
December 7, 2024
First, block this account, or report the said account to Instagram. Further, various laws can apply to this situation:
1) Section 503 of IPC: In the case of an individual threatening another citizen with the intention to either alarm or malign reputation, the former is liable to be penalised with a jail term of two years. If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file an FIR for Section 503 of IPC. You will still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is performing these actions anonymously through a fake account, then you can file an FIR under Section 507 of IPC. However, you will have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3) Section 354A of IPC: If this person is posting/messaging content related to pornography against your will or requesting sexual favours, you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file an FIR for Section 67 of IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman.
The complaint can be made on the portal http://www.cyberpolice.gov.in/ or could be made on the helpline number ‘155260’.
December 7, 2024
Firstly, consider blocking this friend. After that, various laws can apply to this situation:
1) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is performing these actions anonymously through a fake account, you can file an FIR for Section 507 of IPC. However, you will have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2) Section 503 of IPC: If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file an FIR for Section 503 of IPC. However, you will still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3) Section 354D of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is not allowing you to use the internet as you wish, then you can file an FIR for Section 354D of IPC.
4) Section 354A of IPC: If you are a woman and this person is making sexual remarks or sending you pornography, you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
5) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
6) Section 509B of IPC: If you are a woman from Chhattisgarh and this person does anything which is obscene or indecent so that he can harass you or cause annoyance or mental agony to you, then you can file an FIR for Section 509B of IPC.
7) Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file an FIR for Section 67 of IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman. To file the FIR, you can approach the Cyber Cell at the nearby police station. If there is no cyber cell, then you can file an FIR at any Police Station.
Deepak goyal
March 28, 2024
Sir Jaiprakash Jaiswal is giving me msgs pls do any action
No jaipraksah jaiswal 7839698750
Alka Manral
May 30, 2024
If you are receiving unwanted calls or messages from any person you may block and report their contact number.
An undesirable message or call constitutes the offence of harassment if the individual annoys or threatens you by continuously calling or messaging you you, making statements, comments or proposals that are offensive or sickening, and continues to converse without revealing his actual identity or shows abusive or belittling behaviour via the telephone.
Depending upon the circumstances, you may file a complaint under Section 506 of the Indian Penal Code for criminal intimidation. In case you are a woman, you may file a compalint under Section 509 for the messages offending your modesty or file a compalint under Section 354D if it is a case of stalking. These sections correspond to the unamended Indian penal Code.
December 7, 2024
If you are receiving unwanted calls or messages from any person you may block and report their contact number.
An undesirable message or call constitutes the offence of harassment if the individual annoys or threatens you by continuously calling or messaging you you, making statements, comments or proposals that are offensive or sickening, and continues to converse without revealing his actual identity or shows abusive or belittling behaviour via the telephone.
Depending upon the circumstances, you may file a complaint under Section 506 of the Indian Penal Code for criminal intimidation. In case you are a woman, you may file a compalint under Section 509 for the messages offending your modesty or file a compalint under Section 354D if it is a case of stalking. These sections correspond to the unamended Indian penal Code.
Tuhina Chakraverty
April 14, 2024
A guy is harassing me and threatening me on Instagram. He is threatening me to either fuck him or he will leak my nudes. I have never sent him my nudes so he will Photoshop my photos and leak the deepfakes..
Alka Manral
May 31, 2024
First, do not engage with him and block him immediately. You can report the said account to Instagram for harassment and threats on https://help.instagram.com/547601325292351.
Secondly, collect evidence. Take screenshots of all messages, threats, and his profile. Capture the date and timestamps.
Report on Instagram: Report his account and the messages to Instagram for harassment and threats. Here’s how to report abuse on Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/547601325292351
Further, various laws can apply to this situation for which you can file a police complaint to your nearest police station. Bring the evidence you collected (screenshots) and explain the situation in detail. Depending on the specific messages it could be a violation of the following laws:
1) Section 503 of IPC: In the case of an individual threatening another citizen with the intention to either alarm or malign reputation, the former is liable to be penalised with a jail term of two years. If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file an FIR for Section 503 of IPC. You will still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is performing these actions anonymously through a fake account, then you can file an FIR under Section 507 of IPC. However, you will have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3) Section 354A of IPC: If this person is posting/messaging content related to pornography against your will or requesting sexual favours, you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file an FIR for Section 67 of IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman.
You can also approach any cyber cell, police station, or the National Commission for Women. To appraoch National Commission for Women (NCW), visit their website http://ncw.nic.in/ or call their helpline 1800-109-5885.
Cyber Crime Helpline: Report cybercrime online at https://i4c.mha.gov.in/ or call their helpline 155260.
December 7, 2024
First, do not engage with him and block him immediately. You can report the said account to Instagram for harassment and threats on https://help.instagram.com/547601325292351.
Secondly, collect evidence. Take screenshots of all messages, threats, and his profile. Capture the date and timestamps.
Report on Instagram: Report his account and the messages to Instagram for harassment and threats. Here’s how to report abuse on Instagram: https://help.instagram.com/547601325292351
Further, various laws can apply to this situation for which you can file a police complaint to your nearest police station. Bring the evidence you collected (screenshots) and explain the situation in detail. Depending on the specific messages it could be a violation of the following laws:
1) Section 503 of IPC: In the case of an individual threatening another citizen with the intention to either alarm or malign reputation, the former is liable to be penalised with a jail term of two years. If this person is not performing these actions anonymously, then you can file an FIR for Section 503 of IPC. You will still have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
2) Section 507 of IPC: If this person is performing these actions anonymously through a fake account, then you can file an FIR under Section 507 of IPC. However, you will have to show that the person is threatening you with bodily injury, or injury to your reputation, to scare you, or make you do something you do not want to do.
3) Section 354A of IPC: If this person is posting/messaging content related to pornography against your will or requesting sexual favours, you can file an FIR for Section 354A of IPC.
4) Section 509 of IPC: If you are a woman and this person tries to say any offensive words, or violates your privacy, then you can file an FIR for Section 509 of IPC.
5) Section 67 of the IT Act: If this person is sending you obscene content or pornography, then you can file an FIR for Section 67 of IT Act. You can do this regardless of being a man or a woman.
You can also approach any cyber cell, police station, or the National Commission for Women. To appraoch National Commission for Women (NCW), visit their website http://ncw.nic.in/ or call their helpline 1800-109-5885.
Cyber Crime Helpline: Report cybercrime online at https://i4c.mha.gov.in/ or call their helpline 155260.
July 19, 2024
Hi, I got a call from unknown number and the person started abusing me. How do I report the number
Aditi krishan
August 22, 2024
Hey guys I was playing a game called wechat and there was somone came and starting to saying inappropriate content in a Mick because that was a voice room and I don’t feel good seriously it was really blow the belt. i want to register a FIR against him but I can’t because my parents will not support me so I need a online portal for that. please help in it
October 13, 2024
A seller on Facebook didn’t like my offer to the item he was selling and started abusing on messenger. He also started threatening me. I have reported this to Cyber Crime Cell.
Can I post this conversation on social media platform and Facebook groups to create awareness against him so that he should not threaten or harass others??
Gaurav Chaturvedi
January 16, 2025
I am writing to report a serious incident of harassment and extortion. I have been receiving threatening phone calls from an individual who is demanding 15,000 rupees from me. He is threatening to defame me, my sister, my brother, and my family online if I do not pay him.
This individual has been making false accusations against me, claiming that I used escort services, which is completely untrue. He has been verbally abusive and is causing significant emotional distress to me and my family.
I have attached a list of phone numbers he has been using to contact me:
I request your immediate assistance in this matter. I am concerned for my safety and the safety of my family. I would appreciate it if you could investigate this matter and take appropriate action.
Thank you for your time and attention to this urgent matter.
Rohit Raj
February 1, 2025
6*********** /// this is the number i got a call from his side and he offers me phonepe offers and start to abuse and cut the call so i request to you kindly take action against them bcz they are to forget the rules.
February 24, 2025
Hello, three people are harrassing me constantly.
Even if I apologise
Making fake proof to disrespect me
February 24, 2025
Hello, three people are harrassing me constantly.
Even if I apologise
Making fake proof to disrespect me
Also. Said inappropriate things about me