
Last updated on Jun 1, 2022

This post gives information about the schemes for women and children that have been implemented by the Central and State governments in Punjab.

Schemes for victims of violence

Home for Widows and Destitute, Jalandhar

Training-cum-Protection Centre, Jalandhar

State Protective Home, Jalandhar


Schemes by State Governments for Girl Child

Balri Rakshak Yojana

Kanya Jagriti Jyoti Scheme

Dhan Lakshmi Scheme

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What are the rights a person has under this law?

Survivors of acid attacks have the right to seek medical treatment, right to file a complaint and right to compensation.
Crimes and Violence

Registration of Hindu Marriage

Registration of marriages under Hindu Law is given under Section 8 of the Hindu Marriage Act. Different states have different rules.

Admission Process into Schools

All children between the ages of 6 to 14 years can get education from schools, free of cost,  from the 1st standard (first class) till the 8th standard (eighth class).
citizen rights icon

Acts which are not sedition

Criticisms of government policies and their actions, criticisms in good faith or to improve the functioning of the Government do not amount to sedition, as your right to freedom of speech and expression under the Constitution protects these acts.

Is Muslim marriage a contract?

Marriage is a contract under Muslim law. The contract can be entered into by fulfilling certain conditions.

What are the eligibility criteria for Muslim marriages?

For a marriage to be legally recognized as a Muslim marriage, certain conditions must be met with respect to age and mental state.