Registration of Hindu Marriage

Last updated on May 26, 2022

Registration of marriages in Hindu Law is given under Section 8 of the Hindu Marriage Act. This allows the State Government to make rules regarding registration.

The State Government may make rules about how the marriage details should be entered in the Hindu Marriage Register. The State Government can also make marriage registration compulsory in the State if it thinks this is necessary. In this case, any person violating the rule by not making an entry in the marriage register can be punished with a fine of up to Rupees twenty-five.

However, even if the entry has not been made, it does not mean that your marriage is invalid. If you take a look at the table given, you can see that each state has its own rules for Hindu marriages:


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September 27, 2023

The Indian husband having licence of driving of u s a and family’ in India. He wants , register his marriage in India at our city ambala ( Haryana ). What is the procedure.

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