Welfare Schemes
Swayamsidh Yojna Gaurav Nari Niti Yojna
The Government of Gujarat decided to formulate the Nari Gaurav Niti (GEP) in the year 2002. Gujarat Government formulated the Nari Gaurav Niti Policy with a view to create awareness in all its Administrative Departments on the socio-economic-educational and developmental sector of women and benefit them through the policy by active involvement of departments for timely modus operandi.
It consists of action plans and monitoring mechanisms and addresses public as well as private sectors. The autonomous Gender Resource Centre provides technical inputs in implementation and monitoring of the policy at State level. Working groups are formed and a series of deliberations take place on all aspects of gender equity and equality.
Matru Vandana Yatra
Gujarat is suffering from one of the worst outcomes of gender based discrimination, i.e. declining male-female sex ratio. The state average of child sex ratio (0-6 years) declined dramatically from 928 in 1991 to 878 in 2001. To address this issue various efforts are being made, one of the major being the ‘Beti Bachao Campaign’ that was launched by the Honorable Chief Minister on the occasion of World Women’s Day in 2005. Gender Resource centre, an autonomous body, was an active partner of the campaign who was involved in documentation and publications with a realization that it could play a vital role in changing the perception of the society in general on such important issues.
For more information on these schemes, please visit
Helplines for the victims of violence
Swadhar Grehs in the State – HERE
Helpline Numbers – 181, 1091
Schemes by State Governments for Girl Child
Kunwarbai Nu Mameru Yojana
The Ministry of Women and Child Development of Gujarat has launched a scheme called Kunwarbai Nu Mameru Yojana that offers financial assistance of Rs. 10,000 to only one girl of a family. However, this scheme has been started specifically for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes girls. Only those with an annual income limit of Rs. 1,20,000 (Rural areas) and Rs.1,50,000 (Urban areas) are eligible for this scheme.
More information on this scheme can be found here.
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