Online abuse is any type of abuse that happens on the internet, whether it’s over chat, posting on message boards and forums, through social networks, playing online games or using mobile phones.

Online Abuse

This explainer discusses online abuse and violence on internet platforms and social media platforms. It primarily deals with the law laid out in the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and the Information Technology Act, 2000.


Bullying and harassment through school students on social media

Someone is commenting unpleasant comments which are abusive in nature on my Facebook post. What do I do?

Can I remove and report an offending post on Whatsapp and other social media platforms?

Does the Government have the power to monitor my internet usage? Does this amount to stalking?

How much information do I need to file an online complaint against online abuse ?

When and how do you file a complaint against online abuse?

What do I do if hate messages about a religion are being shared on a whatsapp group? Is this a crime? Can I file a police complaint?

Impersonation and Sexual Harassment via Whatsapp Groups

I am being harassed on Facebook by someone living abroad. Do I need to be physically present in India to file a complaint online?