Cyber Stalking

Last updated on May 28, 2024

If any person monitors the following used by a woman, it amounts to cyber stalking:

  • Internet
  • Email
  • Any other form of electronic communication
  • Social media platforms

For example, if someone is contacting you on multiple social media platforms despite making it clear that you are not interested in interacting with this person, then this means that they are stalking you online.

Anyone who is stalking you, if convicted for the first time, can face jail time up to three years and a fine, and on the second conviction, jail time up to five years and a fine.1

  1. Section 354D, The Indian Penal Code, 1860. []

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June 6, 2023

A person use my photo and name and create I’d on Instagram and follow my friend and family members, he send msgs on my behalf.
Continuously calling me with different no., And aaps.

C Akash Roy

September 28, 2024

please report it to the cyber crime cell at online attaching all the evidences asap.


July 22, 2024

So I am a girl and someone is stalking me and collecting my photos… I blocked him everywhere but my closest frnds are sending my pictures to him and he also roaming around my home and stalking and clicking my pictures around me pls help me🥺 without making my name out

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