FIR can also be filed online by visiting the official website of the state police. For instance, to file an e-FIR in Delhi you can visit A total of 2,43,902 e-FIRs were filed in 2020.

Where can an FIR be filed

Last updated on Jun 22, 2022

An FIR can be filed at any police station. The fact that the crime may not have been committed in that police stations jurisdiction has no consequence to the filing of the complaint. It is mandatory for the police to record the information provided, and then transfer it to the police station in whose area/jurisdiction the offence took place. For instance, if a crime was committed in North Delhi, the information can even be registered with a police station in South Delhi.


This concept is generally referred to as “Zero FIR” and was introduced in 2013. Before the introduction of Zero FIR,  massive delays were caused because the police station would record the information only in the area where the crime occurred. 

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Prof (Dr) Shalini Verma

April 5, 2023

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Once you have reported the crime by filing an FIR, the officer in charge must send the report to a Magistrate, who will take note of the case without any unnecessary delay, and proceed with the investigation. This is a mandatory step that the police have to follow, as it allows the Magistrate to take control of the investigation, and if necessary give appropriate directions to the police.

Who can file an FIR

You can file an FIR if you are a victim of a crime, a relative or friend or acquaintance of the victim or you have knowledge about a crime that has taken place or is about to take place.

Where to complain when Police Officer refuses to take your FIR

If a Police Officer does not accept your complaint then you can write down your complaint and send it to the Superintendent of Police.