What are unlawful activities?

Last updated on May 28, 2024

An unlawful activity can be through actions, words (spoken or written), signs or visible representations, etc. An “unlawful activity” under this law can include1:

  • Anything done to bring about the surrender of Indian territory. For example, staging a coup to take over Delhi from the Government’s control.
  • Any action that supports the withdrawal of a part of Indian territory from the larger Union of India. For example, conspiring to make an Indian state an independent territory which is no longer a part of India.
  • Actions that question or disrupt the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country. For example, working with foreign agents to overthrow the government.
  • Any action which causes (or wants to cause) discontent against India. For example, publishing a book spreading misinformation and falsely discrediting the Government to incite rebellion.
  1. Section 2(o), Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967. []

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