What are the complaint forums/helplines?

Last updated on Dec 16, 2022

[Trigger Warning: The following content contains information on physical violence which some readers may find disturbing.

If you are a survivor of acid attack, you can approach the following authorities:


You can approach the police to make a complaint. You can get in touch with the police by dialing the helpline number 100. The police will record the information about the crime in the FIR (First Information Report).

National Commission for Women

The National Commission for Women (NCW) is a national-level government organization that is empowered to investigate complaints related to issues faced by women. The NCW will help you by:

  • Monitoring and expediting the investigations being led by the police.
  • Monitoring acid attack cases with regards to prosecution of the accused, providing medical relief to survivors and payment of compensation to survivors through the system. This is done through the use of the MIS system.(( MIS for Assistance to Victims of Acid Attack, National Commission for Women, accessed at http://ncwapps.nic.in/MISforAcidAttackVictims/MonitoringAuthority/default.aspx.))
  • Providing counselling or a hearing before the NCW. This is done to resolve disputes between the two parties.

You can get in touch with them by either calling the helpline number 1091, or sending an email to ncw@nic.in, or filing an online complaint. Further, you can also approach the State Commission of Women situated in your state, and ask them for help.

Sub-divisional Magistrate 

A person can also complain to the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM) of the district as they have a responsibility to ensure the guidelines for acid attack are followed. These guidelines include information on sale of acid and role of shopkeepers while selling acid. They can also levy fines on shopkeepers breaching the rules laid down by the Supreme Court.(( Laxmi v. Union of India and Others, (2016) 3 SCC 669.))

National Helplines

Some national helplines that you can contact are:

National Emergency Number (medical too) 112
Women Helpline (All India)- Women in Distress 1091
Women Helpline Domestic Abuse 181
Police 100
National Commission for Women 011-26942369, 26944754
ChildLine India Foundation Helpline 1098
National Human Rights Commission 011- 23385368/ 9810298900

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Related Resources

How is the sale of acid regulated in India?

The sale of acid in India is governed by two levels of regulatory mechanisms, that is, State level rules and Supreme Court rules.
Crimes and Violence

What is Acid Attack?

An acid attack is the crime of hurting a person by throwing acid on them, administering acid to that person or doing anything with acid with the intention or knowledge that it would harm the person.
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What are the offences and punishments under this law?

The crimes relating to acid attacks have been specified under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. Anyone can be punished for the crimes given below regardless of their gender.
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What are the rights a person has under this law?

Survivors of acid attacks have the right to seek medical treatment, right to file a complaint and right to compensation.
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Who does the law protect?

The law on acid attack protects all persons, regardless of their gender. Further, there are no specifications in the law in terms of the age of the survivor.
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How do you file a complaint?

The legal process following an acid attack includes, filing an FIR, police investigation and filing of charge sheet, after which the trial begins.
Crimes and Violence