The Right to Criticise the Government

Last updated on Aug 23, 2022

The right to criticise the Government, essential for maintaining accountability, is also a part of the freedom of speech and expression. Dissent and criticism have been hailed as crucial elements for a democracy.1

This right also includes the right of a political rival, like anyone else, to criticise the government, and it cannot be curtailed on the charge of defamation.2 While criticism of the government and its officials may be valid, it cannot condone a political rival seemingly engaging in spreading false news and allegations, about a political personality, in a schematic and planned manner.3) Criticism of this kind would amount to defamation and is not protected under Article 19(1)(a). 

  1. Vijaykant v. City Public Prosecutor & Ors., Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 43/ 2016 []
  2. Vijaykant v. City Public Prosecutor & Ors., Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 43/ 2016 []
  3. Raghav Chadha v. State, 2017 SCC OnLine Del 11191 (Delhi High Court []

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