Mehr and Dower Not Dowry

Last updated on Apr 8, 2022

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It is important to note that Mehr or Dower given during Muslim marriages is not the same as dowry. The exchange of Mehr that takes place is as per religious and customary practice, and is absolutely legal.

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Related Resources

Complaining about a Demand for Dowry

Under the Indian law, in case you have been coerced into paying dowry, you can still file a complaint against the offenders.
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What is Dowry?

Dowry is anything which has value (such as cash and property) which is given by the bride’s family to the groom’s family as a condition of marriage.
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Women’s Right to Take Possession of the Dowry

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Maintaining A List Of Gifts During Marriage

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Demanding Dowry

Under the Indian law, it is illegal to demand dowry from anyone related to the bride or groom as a condition of marriage.
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Cases of Dowry Death

When the death of a woman within 7 years of her marriage was unnatural, i.e. caused by burns or injuries which are not ordinary, t is assumed that the husband or the relatives of the husband committed the crime of cruelty.
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