Loudspeakers and Public Address System

Last updated on Aug 24, 2022

Loudspeakers and public address systems are a common source of noise pollution in India and can only be used after getting written permission from local authorities. If the loudspeakers and amplifiers or other equipment or gadgets cause pollution then they may be seized and confiscated by the Government authorities. The noise level where loudspeaker or public address system or any other noise source is being used shall not exceed:

  • 10 dB(A) above the ambient noise standards for the area, or
  • 75 dB(A)

Most noise levels are given in dB(A), which are decibels adjusted to reflect the ear’s response or sensitivity of the human ear to different frequencies of sound. 

Night Time

Under the law, a loudspeaker, public address system, sound producing instrument, amplifier shall not be used at night between 10.00 p.m. to 6.00 a.m. except in closed premises like auditoriums, conference rooms, community halls, banquet halls or during a public emergency.

Religious Festivals

The State Government may permit the use of loudspeakers, public address systems, etc. during night hours (between 10.00 p.m. to 12.00 midnight) during cultural or religious occasions. The State Government can notify days on which using such equipment or instruments will not be considered as noise pollution. However, the Government can include only a maximum of 15 days in a year. For example, the Government may allow the use of loudspeakers during festivals like Diwali, Onam, Pongal, etc.

Privately Owned Sound Systems

If you own a sound system or a sound producing instrument, then it cannot exceed by  more than the noise limit which is 5 dB(A).

If you are being disturbed because of loudspeakers or any other sound producing instrument, then you can file a complaint to stop the noise pollution and the person making such noise will be punished.

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Akhil Kumar

August 18, 2023

Noise pollution our area due to loudspeakers.
We live in a semi urban residential area in an owned house, in Balaga area of Srikakulam district, Andhra Pradesh. A temple committee in the nearby area fitted loudspeakers on several electric poles in the area so that people can be informed readily about the events. But they are using the loudspeakers daily causing severe noice pollution, from morning 7AM to 9AM and from 5PM to 6PM in the evening and whole day on special occasions. They play all kinds of devotional songs with loud volume that is not bearable and disrupting our normal lives in many ways. We already informed them twice about the issue for which they responded by reducing the volume for some time, but they haven’t stopped it completely. I would request you provide me with a solution.

Alka Manral

September 3, 2024

You can submit a complaint with the local police under Section 268 of the IPC for public nuisance and Section 290 for punishment if the problem hasn’t ended even after that. Your case is a basic public nuisance. The owners of the temples will be fined and held accountable. You can file a complaint under the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, which also govern the use of loudspeakers, especially during limited hours. You can report the matter to the police using the prescribed remedy if the timings are excessively strange and the noise level is excessive.


December 7, 2024

You can submit a complaint with the local police under Section 268 of the IPC for public nuisance and Section 290 for punishment if the problem hasn’t ended even after that. Your case is a basic public nuisance. The owners of the temples will be fined and held accountable. You can file a complaint under the Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, which also govern the use of loudspeakers, especially during limited hours. You can report the matter to the police using the prescribed remedy if the timings are excessively strange and the noise level is excessive.

Sheela Philip

December 19, 2024

Our family, senior citizens live half a km away from the Chakulathukavu temple at Neerattupuram Alappuzha. They have become a nuisance from 10th December with very loud loudspeakers starting at 4.45 am.It is not the MC road but an inside road leading to Alappuzha. Hence the sound is also high .Earlier they used to start at 3 am. Whether it is their festival or not we who are not at all involved are becoming prey to their stupidity. I don’t know how can the police permit such loud noise. They have tied loudspeakers to each lampost and keep playing it day and night stopping at small intervals. most people around this area are seniors and I have an acute vertigo and ear imbalance for which I am taking prolonged treatment! We are not to sit outside on our verandahs even and have to stay indoors with all windows shut! This has been the same condition for 2 weeks now. We had complained to the Panchayat heads who stripped themselves of the responsibility and blamed others, After the pongala the roadside sides are full of papers, and plastics, and nobody has been allocated to clean them. What an uncivilized group of manhunters! PLEASE DO HELP US TO STOP THIS ATROCIOUS ACT/

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Related Resources

Ban on Loudspeakers 48 Hours before Elections

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