How do you change details in a voter ID card?

Last updated on May 28, 2024

You can apply to change your details provided in your Voter ID card only for the specific reasons given below1:

In case of incorrect name, age, Date of birth, etc.

If you wish to change or correct your name, photo, age, Voter ID Card Number or EPIC number, address, date of birth, gender, name of relative or type of relation in your voter ID card, you must fill Form 8 and submit it either online or physically to the Electoral Registration Officer.

In case of shifting houses within the constituency

If you are shifting your permanent place of residence within the same constituency, you must have your address changed in the electoral roll. In order to do so, you must fill Form 8A and submit it either online or physically to the Electoral Registration Officer.

In case you shift outside of your current constituency

If you are shifting your permanent residence to a place outside your constituency, you must have your name deleted from the present electoral roll or have someone file an application to remove your name for you. Once you have done this, you must re-register yourself as a new voter and check the box in Form 6 next to ‘due to shifting from another constituency’ and submit it to the Electoral Registration Officer.

  1. Voter Portal FAQ, Election Commission of India, available at []

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Yallamalli dani babu

December 24, 2024

My voter ID date of birth change

Yallamalli dani babu

December 24, 2024




March 10, 2025

How many times can I get my date of birth corrected in voter ID with bank passbook with photograph because first time name correction done but DOB was missing after 10 days again applied online for DOB second time DOB is wrong.after submissions saw now next time after how many days can l reapply online for the above.or may l know how many times can l apply for correction in DOB online for voter ld.As the mistake done from their end pl reply

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