Can you vote without a Voting Card?

Last updated on May 28, 2024

You may vote without a voting card. You can carry any of the following documents to the polling station to cast your vote1:

  • Voter ID Card/EPIC
  • Aadhar Card
  • MNREGA Job Card
  • Passbook issued by Bank/Post Office with Photo
  • Driving license
  • Service Identity Cards (issued to employees by Central or State Government/PSUs/Public Limited Company)
  • PAN Card
  • Passport
  • Pension Document (with photo)
  • Smart Card issued by RGI under NPR
  • Health Insurance Smart Card (issued under the scheme of Ministry of Labour)
  • Official Identity Cards issued to MPs/MLAs/MLCs
Voter ID Documents


  1. Photo voter slips not to be valid as stand-alone identification document for voting, Election Commission available at []

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Sumeysh Srivastava

December 4, 2022

Thanks for the info!

Chandram Upadrasta

August 27, 2023

Ex election commissioner of Andhra Pradesh Mr. Ramesh Kumar Nimmagadda tried to enroll his name in Krishna district. Govt. Official refused to add his name. Can he vote with Aadhar card?

Alka Manral

September 3, 2024

For first part we need to look at whether Mr. Ramesh is enrolled in voting list in any other place. If his name is enrolled in voting list at any other place then he can’t get his name enrolled in voting list in Krishna District. To enroll his name in voting list in Krishna district he will have to get his name removed from the voting list at other place where he is enrolled. .
Even after this after showing all the proof required to get enrolled in voting list if the official refuses to include Mr. Ramesh’s name in voting list then he can file a complaint with the Electoral Registration Officer (ERO) of the district. If he Feels unsatisfied then he can approach the state election commission for the redressal. Even after all this if Mr. Ramesh is unsatisfied with the process, he always have remedy under Art. 226 of Indian Constitution to reach the HC under a writ petition

In answer to Second question, Mr. Ramesh can not vote in election only with the Aadhar card. An Aadhaar card alone is not sufficient for voting in Indian elections. While it can be used as a form of identification, it does not replace the need for enrollment in the voter list. The primary document for voting in India is the Voter ID card (also known as EPIC – Elector’s Photo Identity Card), which is issued to registered voters, which in this case we know that Mr. Ramesh doesn’t have. So, he will not be able to vote using only the Aadhar Card.

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Related Resources

How do you vote?

This post deals voting process.Before you go to the polling station, please verify if your name is on the electoral roll of your constituency.

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An Electronic Voting Machine consists of two Units – a Control Unit and a Balloting Unit – joined by a five-meter cable.

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A registered service voter in home constituency and posted elsewhere during elections, will be sent postal ballots.

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All citizens over the age of 18 has the right to participate and vote in national, state, district as well as local government body elections.

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The announcement of voting dates will be made by the Election Commission of India and it is made available on their website.