Health and Safety of Working Children

Last updated on Jun 22, 2022

It is important that health and safety of working children is taken care of. As an employer of an adolescent or a child allowed by the law to work, you should make sure that the child or adolescent is provided with the highest standards of safety and care through the following measures:


  • The establishment should be clean and free from any form of nuisance.
  • Wastes and effluents should be disposed off properly and in a manner which it is not open and unhygienic.
  • There should be proper ventilation and lighting.
  • The building must be maintained and precautions must be taken for fire accidents.
  • All the machinery should be fenced to prevent accidents.


  • Provisions for drinking water, latrines, urinals and spittoons should be made.
  • Protective gear for eyes and body should be provided.
  • Floor, stairs and means of access.
  • Maintenance of building and machinery.


  • Proper instructions should be given to adolescents for handling dangerous machines.
  • Training and supervision should be given to adolescents for handling dangerous machinery.
  • If you don’t fulfill your duties as an employer to comply with the laws on health and safety you can be jailed for a maximum period of a month or be fined a maximum amount of Rs. 10,000 or both.

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