Duties of an Employer while employing adolescents

Last updated on Jun 22, 2022

An employer employing an adolescent working in his establishment has to perform certain duties:

Maintaining a Register

As an employer you have to maintain a register which should have the following details:

  • Name and date of birth of every adolescent working at your establishment.
  • Hours and periods of work of the adolescent.
  • Intervals of rest.
  • Nature of work of any such adolescent.

Working Conditions

When an adolescent is employed for work, the Working Hours and Days and the Health and Safety has to be guaranteed to ensure that adolescent is treated fairly and humanely.

Sending the notice to the Inspector

As an employer employing a child worker you will have to send a notice to the Inspector. This has to be done within 30 days of hiring an adolescent. The notice should contain the following details:

  • Name and location of the establishment.
  • Name of the employer.
  • Nature of the employment
  • Work done by the establishment.

If you don’t fulfill your duties as an employer you can be jailed for a maximum period of a month or be fined a maximum amount of Rs. 10,000 or both.

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Related Resources

Filing a Complaint against Child Labour

Complaining about any instances of child labour can be via the different modes enumerated in the post.

Employers Responsibility towards Child Artists

When child artists are being employed for work, there is an obligation on the employer to fill out Form C as given in the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.

Government duties against Child Labour

The Central Government has duties to ensure that child labour does not take place and that the provisions of the law are followed.

Duties of an Inspector to prevent Child Labour

The Government appoints Inspectors to make sure that there is no illegal employment and the permitted employment of adolescents is done as per the law.

Role of Schools in preventing Child Labour

The right to education of a child applies even if the child or adolescent is working as an artist or in the family business. School has an important role in preventing child labour.

Determining age of Child

If you as an employer are unsure if the child is below 14 years or above 14 years of age, then the age of the child will be determined by a medical authority.