An architect can be held responsible for any structural flaws or defects in the building for which he/she was hired, for a maximum period of three years after the building is handed over to or occupied by the owner (whichever is earlier). This can lead to a consumer protection case against the architect.

Complaining against an Architect

Last updated on Jun 21, 2022

A person can complain about an architect’s conduct if the architect does not exhibit fairness and impartiality in a work assigned, or is caught taking commission or any such inducements, or any other forms of professional misconduct. You can complain to the Council of Architecture.

Council of Architecture

The Council of Architecture is a statutory body constituted by the Government of India under the provisions of the Architects Act, 1972, enacted by the Parliament of India. The Council of Architecture is charged with the responsibility to regulate the education and practice of professional architects throughout India, besides maintaining the register of architects. Further, it oversees architectural standards periodically by way of conducting inspections through Committees of Experts.

Process of complaint and penalties against an architect

Any violation of the duties of an architect will be considered as professional misconduct and will attract disciplinary action. Additionally, the Council can take any of the three actions listed below after an inquiry:

  1. Reprimand the said architect
  2. Suspend their practice as an architect
  3. Remove their name from the register of architects(( Section 30, Architects Act, 1972))

You can find a format of a complaint here. A committee constituted by the Central Government looks into all complaints against architects and inquiries relating to misconduct of architects. (( Rule 35(1), Council of Architecture Rules, 1973))

Further, in case you come across any unregistered person who is impersonating someone, posing, misrepresenting or misusing the title of ‘Architect’, you can file a complaint against such person(s) along with relevant supporting documents online at the Complaint form available on the Council’s website.

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September 13, 2023

If builder gave posession without occupation certificate then can I lodge Complaint against architect also?

Not form Housing society and bp department ALO officer case against builder in shinde wadi Court.for not obtain OC.

Dharmesh ojha

March 21, 2024

How can I file case against architect?

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