How can you get Compensation or Money for Domestic Violence?

Last updated on Apr 8, 2022

[Trigger Warning: The following content contains information on domestic violence which some readers may find disturbing.]

To get money or compensation from the harasser, you can file an application(( Section 20, The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005; Section 125, The Code Of Criminal Procedure,1973.)) with the Court asking for monetary relief with the help of a lawyer or a Protection Officer. The Court will pass an order to compensate you and your child/children for all the losses and injuries you have suffered as a result of the violence and abuse. You may get the money either on a monthly basis or as a lump sum as decided by the Court. The amount of money you can get will be determined by the Court keeping in mind the standard of living you are used to(( Sunil Singh v. Smt Neetu Singh 2011 SCC OnLine Del 5506)). Among other things, the harasser may be asked to pay you money for:

  • Your lost income. For example, loss of earning in situations where you were not allowed to work or if you did not receive a salary because you were in the hospital for a month because of violence.
  • Physical injuries and medical expenses. For example, hospital bills and money for medicines.
  • Loss due to damage to your property or property being taken away. For example, your jewelry or land that you owned. The Court may ask the harasser to return such valuable items back to you(( Section 19, The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.))
  • Upkeep for your life. For example, paying rent for the house, living expenses for your child and yourself, etc.
  • Mental torture and emotional distress. For any distress caused to you which has affected your work or your life.(( Section 22, The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.))

Laws you can use

There are two laws under which you can ask the Court to make the harasser pay money to you – domestic violence law (Section 20/22) and criminal law (Section 125, CrPc). You can ask your lawyer to claim monetary relief using both laws(( Prakash Babulal Dangi v. The State of Maharashtra & Anr.Petition for Special Leave to Appeal(Crl.) Nos.10280-10281/2017.)).

In case of failure of payment

If your harasser does not give you the money, as ordered by the Court, you should inform  the Court with the help of a lawyer. The Court will then ask:

  • The harasser’s employer/boss to pay the amount to the Court and deduct it from his salary.

Any other person(( Section 20(6), The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.)) who owes the harasser money to pay the amount to the court which will then be given to you.

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Nicole Coates

May 17, 2024

I was divorced 12 years ago and have suffered mental health issues ever since including PTSD, anxiety, paranoia etc
My ex husband has caused so many issues amongst my family and for our children! Recently he has been caught and handed down by the family court as committing severe family violevce towards my children and clearly myself for many years! He has just been such a manipulator that he has never been caught until recently! Facts of matter in magistrates memorandum!
I have been to hell and back! No amount of conpensation can change the past as we have to keep on living but the financial destruction is taking its toll! He needs to be accountable!

Gurwant Kaur

October 27, 2024

मैं २८ साल से घरेलू हिंसा झेल रही हूं मैनै अपने पति को अपनी सारी आय देती रही हूं। हमने मिलकर एक १०० गज का लोन लेकर मकान बनाया जो दोनों के नाम पर है। एक पुत्र जिसकी शादी और एक पुत्री है। घरेलू हिंसा की शिकायत करने पर पति घर से निकलने को मजबूर कर रहा है जिसमें पुत्र भी साथ दे रहा है और आधा मकान अपने नाम पर करने को मजबूर कर रहा है। मैं अपना हक और घरेलू सामान, मकान में अपना हिस्सा किस प्रकार ले सकती हूं। आऔर कितना समय लगेगा। अकेली बहुत सह रही हूं।

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