Workplace doesn’t have an Internal Committee

Last updated on Jun 22, 2022

If you belong to an unorganised sector or a small establishment that does not have an Internal Complaints Committee, you can approach the Local Complaints Committee that has been set up by the District Officer.

The Local Committee accepts complaints from(( Section 6(1), Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.)):

  • Women working in an organisation having less than 10 employees
  • Domestic workers
  • When the complaint is against the employer himself

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Related Resources

Guide for Survivors of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

This guide by Nyaaya and Ungender helps those who have faced sexual harassment at the workplace to navigate the legal process in such situations.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment can happen in several ways. Actions such as following a person on the streets or in any public space, peeping into their bedroom, making sexual gestures at them while they are at work or in the classroom, singing lewd songs - all of this is sexual harassment.
Crimes and Violence

Filing a Complaint against Sexual Harassment

The law has provided a detailed mechanism for filing complaints related to sexual harassment at the workplace.

Types of Child Sexual Abuse

Indian law classifies the types of child sexual abuse into different types of crimes, regardless of the child’s gender .
Crimes and Violence

Accused of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace

Only women are protected from being sexually harassed at their place of work, but sexual harassment can be done by anyone, male or female.

When to file a Complaint against Sexual Harassment

Generally, you must file a complaint within three months of the incident of sexual harassment that you have faced.