Who can perform a Christian Marriage?

Last updated on May 12, 2022

The following persons can perform a Christian Marriage under the law:

  1. Any person who has received the ordination from their church to be a priest/minister.(( Section 5(1), Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.))
  2. Any clergyman of the Church of Scotland.(( Section 5(2), Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.))
  3. Any Minister of Religion licensed under the Indian Christian Marriage law to perform marriages.(( Section 5(3), Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.))
  4. A Marriage Registrar appointed under the Indian Christian Marriage Act. The marriage has to take place by the Registrar or in their presence.(( Section 5(4), Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.))
  5. By any person licensed under the Indian Christian Marriage Act to grant certificates of marriage.(( Section 5(5), Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.))

Any marriage performed by a priest, minister or any clergyman of the Church of Scotland will be performed according to the rules, rites, ceremonies, and customs of that particular denomination of church. However, the procedure for marriages will be according to the Indian Christian Marriage Act if conducted by a Minister of Religion, Marriage Registrar or by any person licensed to give certificates under this law. The procedures also differ based on the person performing the marriage. Read more on the procedures here.

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