What is domestic violence?

Last updated on Nov 18, 2022

Domestic violence refers to violent or abusive behavior in a household that causes harm and may put the health and safety of a woman or any child under her custody in danger. With the help of the law(( Form IV, The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Rules, 2006.)), you can:

  • Prevent further violence by getting immediate protection. To get immediate protection, you can approach different authorities, such as the police, protection officer, etc.
  • Go to Court for:

Kinds of Domestic Violence 

The kind of violence you face does not always have to be physical. The law also recognizes other kinds of domestic violence such as sexual violence, verbal abuse, emotional or mental abuse and monetary abuse. For example, if your brother-in-law threatens to throw you out of the house every day, this is a form of emotional abuse.

Frequency of Domestic Violence

Even a single act of violence can constitute domestic violence(( Section 3, The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005.)). You don’t have to endure domestic violence for a prolonged period of time to go to Court or seek help.

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Kyamazima Racheal

April 2, 2024

My boss threw me out of the house I have no were to go, because of being sick and not given medicine until now am on the street with no documents I went to the police bit they didn’t help I need justice when the office brought me here they refused to help am in danger I need justice please am sleeping on street I have no one I know here in UAE

Alka Manral

April 30, 2024

Indian Workers Resource Centre 24×7 Toll Free Helpline: 800 46342 ( 800 INDIA),
Women/ Housemaids in Distress: 02 4447769, Laboure issues: 02 4494975

Alka Manral

May 31, 2024

If you are in Abu Dhabi:
You could approach the Indian Embassy in Abu Dhabi. It is located at Plot No. 10, Sector W-59/02, Diplomatic Area, Off the Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Street (Earlier known as Airport Road), near to Pepsicola, P. O. Box 4090, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Their emergency helpline number is 00971-508995583. If you were a housemaid before being thrown out, you can call on this number: 00971-50210-3813. The link to the Embassy’s website is here: https://pbsk.gov.in/country/uae

If you are in Dubai:
You could approach the Consulate General of India in Dubai. It is located at Al Hamriya, Diplomatic Enclave, P.O. BOX 737, DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Their phone number is 00971-50 455 9594.

Generally, you could call the Pravasi Bharatiya Sahayata Kendra Toll free number: 800 46342


December 7, 2024

If you are in Abu Dhabi:
You could approach the Indian Embassy in Abu Dhabi. It is located at Plot No. 10, Sector W-59/02, Diplomatic Area, Off the Sheikh Rashid bin Saeed Street (Earlier known as Airport Road), near to Pepsicola, P. O. Box 4090, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Their emergency helpline number is 00971-508995583. If you were a housemaid before being thrown out, you can call on this number: 00971-50210-3813. The link to the Embassy’s website is here: https://pbsk.gov.in/country/uae

If you are in Dubai:
You could approach the Consulate General of India in Dubai. It is located at Al Hamriya, Diplomatic Enclave, P.O. BOX 737, DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. Their phone number is 00971-50 455 9594.

Generally, you could call the Pravasi Bharatiya Sahayata Kendra Toll free number: 800 46342

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Related Resources

Who can seek Protection against Domestic Violence?

Any woman can file a complaint and seek protection against domestic violence under the law, for herself and her child/children. The religion of the woman does not matter.
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What is the Time Limit to Complain against Domestic Violence?

There is no specific time limit for filing a complaint against domestic violence, but you must be able to prove that you were in a domestic relationship with the harasser at the time the violence took place.
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How can you get Immediate Protection for Domestic Violence?

To seek immediate protection from domestic violence, you should file an application with the Court with the help of a Protection Officer or a lawyer.
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Counseling refers to the provision of professional guidance by a counselor, who will help you and your harasser settle the matter of the domestic violence you have faced, furnish a guarantee that violence will not repeat, and come up with the best possible solution to the problem of domestic violence.
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What is a Shared Household ?

You live in a shared household with your harasser if you lived with the harasser, have a domestic relationship with the harasser and have/do not have a legal share in the house.
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How can you go to Court for Domestic Violence?

If you have faced domestic violence, then you can file an application with the Court (Civil Court, Family Court or Criminal Court) for immediate help and protection.
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