Did you know that 'right to property' is a constitutional right under Article 300A?

What are the different kinds of disputes with respect to land and immoveable property?

Last updated on Jun 7, 2022

Since land is considered to be one of the most important assets, the range of land-related disputes is huge. However, in this explainer, we will focus on the more common types of disputes, which include:

  • Right of Inheritance Disputes
  • Partition Disputes
  • Land Measurement Disputes
  • Land Encroachment and Boundary Disputes
  • Right of Way Disputes
  • Land Ownership Disputes

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December 7, 2023

My great grand mother had a huge piece of highway touch land which was forcefully sold to government by those government employees by misbehaving and forcing us and giving very less amount of money. Now i want that land back what must be the legal procedure for that. I want to file a case amongest them.

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Partition disputes refer to disputes around dividing the property of a Hindu Undivided Family as per the Hindu Succession Act 1956.

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When it comes to immovable property, inheritance refers to the transfer of a property’s ownership after the death of an individual.

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Land measurement disputes can be resolved by getting assistance from the government surveyor to conduct a joint survey.

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Two aspects to consider when buying a land or house, is knowing whether price of house is fair and dispute free ownership.

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If someone encroaches or trespasses on your property or a construction extends beyond the boundary line, there are legal ways to resolve it.