How to file a writ petition online?

Last updated on Jun 14, 2022

1. Go to the website of the Supreme Court of India here.

2. Click on the E-FILING menu below the HOME menu.

3. On the extreme right hand corner of the page, click on ‘New Registration’ if this is the first time a petition is being filed. If registration has already been done, proceed to step no. 7.

4. When ‘User Type’ is asked, choose ‘Petitioner in Person’ upon which a form will appear.

5. After filling the required information, click on the ‘Sign Up’ button at the end of the page.

6. After completing registration, go back to the ‘E-FILING’ page here.

7. Click on the ‘Login’ option

8. The following menu will appear. Fill in the required details.

9. After logging in, a menu will appear. Click on ‘New eFiling’.

10. The following page will be displayed. Fill in the required details. If the petition is against any decision by a lower court, then click on the ‘Lower Court’ button. Similarly, click on every category and fill in the required information.

11. Click on ‘Petition with Other Document’, if additional documents are to be submitted along with the petition. 

12. After all the required information has been filled in and the payment is completed, an application number will be given.

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Prabhakar Kumar shaw

November 1, 2022

About 11 years past and till now 2022ihave face 12 cases by ICICI Bank in Delhi Also in Delhi High court THC court and Dwarka court the said Bank why not found any solution for a rehari patari fruit seller poor person.only afraid me and my family as execution.The AR of said Bank and Bank Head can give me a happier Life by settlement or solution.


November 11, 2022

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March 3, 2024

How I can file writ petition for Scheduled tribe for land acquisition and no compensation paid by the HMA? Is it free for ST category?

Ashok Kumar Bhuyan

February 11, 2024

I had applied an Educational Loan through jansamarth portal under CSIS scheme which digitally approved and sent to consent bank (UCO BANK) and submitted all required documents as the banker demanded. But after 52 days passed the BM refused to sanction the loan unless without collateral security which totally agnaist RBI guidelines regarding educational loan below 4 lacs.
Can I file a write petition against the bank in consumer protection rule.
What is the solution regarding this.
Pl advice.

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