Helplines for LGBTQ+ Persons

Last updated on Apr 8, 2022

There are several government helplines, which help by not only giving information, but supporting you through legal processes and putting you in touch with authorities. The following list provides the contact details of the national helplines across India, for the categories mentioned below:

For Violence and Harassment

If you have faced any harassment or violence or you know someone who has, you can contact the following helplines:


Anyone regardless of their gender or sexual orientation can call this helpline. You can call 100 to seek immediate help from the police. After describing your location, a police unit will be sent to you for further assistance.

National Commission for Women, Police Helpline: 

You can call this helpline only if you are a woman or trans woman. You can complain about any kind of violence you have faced including sexual offences, domestic violence etc. These are the steps you should take:

Step 1: Call 1091

Step 2: Describe the crime in detail

Step 3: Give your location and contact number

The police will then be sent to your location to assist you and stop the harasser. If you are a trans woman, it is better to take the assistance of NGOs or lawyers, so as to prevent any harassment from police officers themselves while filing an FIR.

Missing Persons and Kidnapping

Deputy Commissioner Of Police (Missing Persons):

This helpline helps track missing persons regardless of gender. You can take the following steps:

Step 1: Call 1094.

Step 2: They will ask for the phone number of the missing person.

Step 3: A phone number search is done on ZIPNET (Zonal Integrated Police Network) where they will trace the location of the missing person and contact the police.

Step 4: If they cannot locate the missing person, they will reach out to the police station to continue the search on the ground level.

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