Under the Central Government Scheme for the Support for Marginalised Individuals for Livlihood and Enterprise a provision for research and social welfare initiatives has been introduced for the transgender community.

Getting Help and Support for LGBTQ+ Persons

Last updated on Jul 12, 2022

It is important to get help and support to protect yourself while complaining about any violence, discrimination or harassment you have faced. Some of the people you can approach are:

Legal Support

  • Approach a lawyer to help you with the complaint processes or if you have to go to Court.  If you cannot afford a lawyer, you can approach the District Legal Service Authority in your district for free legal aid. For example, Delhi Legal Service Authority.
  • If you cannot find a lawyer, then approach NGOs who will help you through the process of filing an FIR and put you in touch with lawyers.

Protection and Shelter

You can approach any NGO, civil society organization or institution that works for LGBTQ+ rights. They may be able to help you by:

  • Assisting you in case you are in trouble or if you need immediate help
  • Providing shelter, employment opportunities and counseling to help you overcome the problems you are facing.

Support while obtaining ID Proof

You can approach the MLA/MP of your area/constituency and ask for help. In many cases, they will direct authorities to help you out in the area you are facing trouble with.

Employment-Related Support

  • Approach the registered Trade Union in your office. They will be able to help you with your grievances at your workplace.

You can also approach NGOs or institutions who work on LGBTQ+ Rights who will be able to provide employment opportunities or put you in touch with people who can.

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