Filing a case with Consumer Forum

Last updated on Aug 26, 2024

The Consumer Forum is present at the District, State, and National Levels. You can file a case there depending on 2 factors:

  1. The amount of money you lost:
    • District Forum: Upto Rs. 50 Lakhs
    • State Commission: Rs. 50 Lakhs to Rs. 2 Crores
    • National Commission: Exceeding Rs. 2 Crores
  2. Where the loss happened :
    • You can file the complaint in the place where the money was lost, or where the opposite party (that is, the bank) carries on their business.

You should approach consumer forums only when you feel that the bank has been negligent, and has not given you proper service. The forum does not prosecute the actual culprit.

Generally, cases cannot be simultaneously filed before the consumer courts as well as the Banking Ombudsman.

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September 30, 2023

i all ready compalint kotak bank (02535135) RE:’KMBL=008-537-692′ Service Request
मेरा बैंक अकाउंट कोटक बैंक में है अकाउंट नंबर 4913137556 है विभव खंड गोमती नगर ब्रांच में 11/09/2023 को 85000/- बिना मेरी जान करी के निकल जाने के संबंध में जो पैसा मेरे अकाउंट से आईडीएफसी फर्स्ट बैंक के अकाउंट नंबर 10129326003 चले गए जिसका लेनदेन आईडी आईएमपीएस संदर्भ संख्या: 325416523246। और मैंने कोटक बैंक के कर्मचारियों को 12/9/2023 को बताया तो कोटक बैंक और बैंक ने केवल ग्राहक सेवा का नंबर दे के बोला के यहां शिकायत कर दे और कोई कार्रवाई नहीं की गई .
आप से निवेदन है कि कृपा करके मेरा पैसा वापस कारा दे.

mohd saeed khan
s/o mansoor ali khan
3/326 vinamra khand Gomti nagar Lucknow up 226010
contact number -7607002690

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Related Resources

Banks’ responsibility to prevent Online Bank Fraud

Banks must ask their customers to mandatorily register for SMS and email alerts for electronic banking transactions.

Lodging a complaint with the Bank

The Code of Bank’s Commitment to Customers (CBCC) enacted by the Banking Codes and Standards Board of India (BCSBI) lays down the rules.

Filing a complaint with the Banking Ombudsman

If solution provided by the bank is unsaisfactory and would like to further enquire the matter, you can approach the Banking Ombudsman

Customer Liability

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Filing a complaint for Online Bank Fraud

A complaint against online bank fraud can be filed at your nearest police station by filing an FIR or online cyber cell portal.

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