Endorsing cheques

Last updated on Jun 1, 2022

Endorsing cheques means that if you have an order cheque then you can endorse it to someone else. Endorsing means the payee can use the same order cheque to pay to someone else (the creditor) by writing that person’s name on the back of the cheque and signing it. When a person gets an endorsed cheque, he can collect the cash himself.

Example: Rahul gave a cheque to Raju. If Raju wants to endorse that cheque to Divya, he has to write Divya’s name behind the cheque and sign it.

Endorsing in favour of multiple people

A cheque can be endorsed any number of times. This means that a person can give it to someone, who can give it to someone else and the same can be continued multiple times. However, the bank may seek further information before crediting the amount in the account of the last person to whom the cheque is endorsed i.e. the final beneficiary of the cheque.

For Example

Jeet issued a cheque in favor of Sohini and Sohini decides to endorse the cheque to Adrija, by writing Adrija’s name behind the cheque given to her. Adrija can endorse the same cheque to any other person in the same way. Now, if the cheque has finally come to Param then the bank could ask for details (such as ID card) from Param when he approaches the bank to receive the cash.

Cheque that cannot be endorsed further

If a cheque is crossed and “Account Payee Only” or “Not Negotiable” is written on it, then it means that the cheque cannot be endorsed to anybody else. The cheque has to be necessarily collected by the banker of the payee on his behalf.

For Example

Simran has issued a cheque in favour of Namrata. But, she has written “Account Payee Only” or “Not Negotiable” and crossed the cheque. Then, Namrata cannot endorse it further.

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April 29, 2023


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Order Cheque

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Crossed Cheque

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