Documents for Prospective Employer

Last updated on Jun 21, 2022

Before you are appointed, employers may ask you to submit some documents to check whether you are eligible for the job. Some of them are:

Documents from Old Employer

Relieving Letter (if applicable)

Your employer may ask you to get a signed document from your previous employer stating that you are no longer associated with them. This safeguards the employer from disputes in case a new employee has not terminated the agreement with the previous employer.

Work Reference

Your prospective employer may ask you for a work reference by either before the interview stage or after you accept the job offer. A work reference would usually be a contact you give of your ex-employer, who can verify and explain the quality of your work and your character while at work. The employer may ask for the reference in the form of a letter or they may contact the referees directly.


Some employers ask for a copy of the payslip given by the previous employer to double check how much you were earning in your previous office to determine your salary in the new job.

Resume and Other Documents


Your employer will ask for your latest resume or curriculum vitae with all the details of your work experience and education.

Educational Certification/Documents

For HR purposes and documentation of employees, some employers may ask you for proof of education such as school certificate, college graduation certificate, higher studies certificate, etc.

Identity Proof Documents

Government-Authorized Identity Proof

Most employers ask you for passport-sized photographs and a copy of the identity proof such as Aadhar, passport, driving licence, etc. for assurance of your identity and documentation purposes.

Police Clearance Certificate

Sometimes employers may ask employees to do a police verification to check for previous or existing criminal records. Some states, like Delhi, have this provision online. Otherwise, if your employer does not help you, then you may have to go to a police station yourself and request for the police clearance certificate from the police officer and submit it to your employer.

Documents for Salary Account

Bank Details

Your employer will ask either for your bank details or set up a new bank account for you, so that they can transfer your salary to that account.

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November 21, 2022

Can prospective employer ask for proof of benefits you are getting at present company? Is it legal?


December 4, 2022

Law prohibits an employer from, either orally or in writing, personally or through an agent (directly or indirectly), asking any information concerning an applicant’s(employee) salary history information. This includes compensation and benefits. The law also prohibits an employer from relying on an applicant’s salary history information as a factor in determining whether to interview or offer employment at all or in determining what salary to offer. Please note that additional protections under local laws may also apply.

An employer may ask an applicant for their salary expectations for the position instead of asking what the applicant earned in the past.


August 17, 2023

Is Canceled check & stamp paper required at the time of joining?

Alka Manral

September 2, 2024

Any employer within the country is entitled to ask for a cancelled cheque and an employment contract on a stamp paper. This requirements are subjective and vary from employer to employer, but if your employer is asking for the two, you ideally have to provide them with the same.
Most organisations ask for a cancelled cheques to make sure that the prospective employee has a valid bank account, mostly cancelled cheques are needed when while joining a new job/organisation as an employee, insurance policies, mutual funds – all for the same purpose.
On the other hand, employment contracts or bonds are signed using stamp papers. It is also a common practice. While entering into such a contract make sure that the contract is not very arbitrary and is reasonable, sign it with due care.

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