CBFC Actions

Last updated on Jun 8, 2022

If you want to show a film/movie to the general public in a theatre, you have to apply to the CBFC for a certificate. Rule 21 of the Cinematograph Rules details the process for filing the application. The Board examines the film, and it also has to hear from you. Then, it can do any one of the following:

  • Release the film with one of 4 certificates:
    • U (unrestricted), meaning anyone can see the film
    • U/A (unrestricted but with adult supervision), meaning anyone can see the film but parents should use caution in allowing children under 12 to see it
    • A (adults only), meaning only adults may see the film
    • S, a rare certificate that means only certain professionals, such as doctors or scientists, can see the film
  • Tell the filmmaker to make changes to the film before it can be certified by the Board using one of the four certificates above.
  • Refuse to certify the film at all. The film may not be released.

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Censorship of Films/Movies

Censorship is when an authority (such as the government) cuts out or stops the release of information. The official stance of the Indian Government is that it does not censor films, it only certifies them.

Censorship on the Internet

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Censorship of TV Content

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