Candidate’s Legal Duties to the Community

Last updated on May 28, 2024

Candidates while campaigning have a duty to1:

Not Spread Hatred

Candidates should not promote or attempt to promote any feelings of enmity or hatred in the name of religion, race, caste, community, language, etc. by a candidate or a political party.

For example, if a candidate while campaigning asks the Hindu community to vote for him/her, with the promise of eradicating other religious minorities, then this is a practice of spreading hatred among the people.

Not to Promote Sati

Candidates should not propagate or glorify sati since it is not only banned under the MCC but also the law.

For example, if a candidate promises to bring back the sati practice in a community in exchange for votes, then it is a violation of the MCC.

Not Make False Statements

Making false statements in connection with an election to influence the voters to vote for or refrain from voting for a candidate is a violation of the MCC.

For example, if a candidate makes a statement saying that the EVM Machine is recorded and threatening voters with consequences if they do not vote for him, then it is a violation of the MCC.

  1. Chapter 4, Heading 4.4, Manual for Model Code of Conduct, Election Commission, available at []

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Print Media and MCC

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