Updating Driving License

Last updated on Jun 15, 2022

Sometimes, you may need to update certain details on your Driving License (DL), after which you will be given a new DL, and your old DL will be taken away. Please note that you do not have to take a driving test to update your DL. To update your Driving License, follow the steps given below:

Step 1 – You can update details like your name, address, etc., so you must understand the procedure for updating any specific detail in your state. The procedures and the documents required vary across states.

Step 2 – You should go to the Regional Transport Office (RTO)/ Regional Transport Authority (RTA) of your state, and ask for the relevant application form. For example, in Gujarat,1 if you want to update your DL, you must make an application in Form L.L.D. with the details of the original DL and you must submit an application made on plain paper.

Step 3 – You should submit the relevant documents. For example, in Gujarat, you must submit  a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the original licensing authority.

Step 4 – You should then pay the required fee for updating for DL. For example, in Gujarat, the fee is Rs. 200. This fee varies across states.

If you require any additional help and support, please see here. Read this government resource to know more

  1. Department of Port and Transport, Government of Gujarat, http://rtogujarat.gov.in/process_licence.php#link4[]

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