Proof of Age

Last updated on May 28, 2024

To issue different kinds of government proof of identification, you will have to submit a document for proof of age. For the kind of proof of identification you are applying for or updating, you can use any document from the list given below:

Aadhar Card, PAN Card and Passport

  • Birth Certificate
  • Voter ID
  • Depending on which you are applying for, you can use the other two options between Passport, PAN Card and Aadhar. For example, if you are applying for an Aadhar card, you can use either your PAN Card or your Passport as age proof.
  • PAN Card
  • Marksheet issued by any government board/recognized university
  • Photo ID including DOB issued by recognized educational institution

Refer here for a complete list for age proofs for Aadhar, PAN Card and Passport.

Voter ID1

  • Birth Certificate
  • Birth Certificate from the recognized school last attended by the applicant/any recognized educational institution
  • Class 10/12 Marksheet (if you have passed the grade)
  • Class 8 Marksheet (if it contains date of birth)
  • Class 5 Marksheet (if it contains date of birth)
  • A declaration in the prescribed format made by either of his parents if the person is not educated till class 10 (in those cases where parent has verified himself before BLO/ERO/AERO); or
  • A certificate of your age given by a sarpanch of the concerned Gram Panchayat/member of the concerned Municipal Corporation/Municipal Committee (if the person is not educated till class 10 and both parents are dead)
  • Any other government document showing age, e.g. Passport.

Driving License

  • School Certificate
  • Passport
  • Birth Certificate
  • Certificate from Central/State Government or a local body
  • Voter ID
  • PAN Card
  • Tax Card
  • Other authentic proof acceptable by M.L.O.

Read this government resource to know more

  1. Election Commission of India, From 6 – Application for inclusion of name in Electoral Roll, []

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July 27, 2024


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