When and where can a Christian Marriage be performed?

Last updated on May 12, 2022

Time of Marriage

A Christian marriage can only be performed between 6 AM and 7 PM.(( Section 10, Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.)) However, priests from the Church of England, Church of Rome, and the Church of Scotland can perform a marriage beyond these hours, as long as it is according to the rules and customs of their Church. Moreover, priests from the Church of England and Church of Rome would require a license from the bishops of their respective churches, in order to perform a marriage beyond these hours.

Place of Marriage

A Christian marriage can be performed either in a church,(( Section 13, Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.)) or in a private dwelling,(( Section 14, Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.)) or in the presence of a marriage registrar.(( Section 38, Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.)) However, if the marriage is being performed by a priest from the Church of England, it shall only be performed in a church.(( Section 11, Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872.)) However, this mandate is relaxed in case there are no churches within a five-mile radius, or if the priest has obtained a special license for the purpose from the Bishop of the Church.

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