You can approach the court to raise disputes over land and property for various reasons including claim on ownership, contestation over land acquisition, disagreement / disputes over real estate transactions, conflict over property inheritance, and misuse of rented property among others. There are different laws and procedures which explain how an individual can seek redressal on these issues, depending on the particular circumstances under which the dispute arises. Such issues are better dealt with through lawyers specializing in land disputes. However, it is best to conduct your due diligence beforehand to make sure that your property is not stuck in a court dispute. Please talk to a lawyer or ask us any questions through the Ask Nyaaya Helpline.
October 23, 2023
Showing in agreement seller and purchaser Small amount and selling very high price landed property one of the neighbour done it. Where icanmake complaint. He is not ready to pay tax which covered of srllinh property.