What are constitutional remedies?

Last updated on Jun 8, 2022

The Constitution of India, 1950 grants certain rights to the citizens of India. If these rights are violated, citizens should also have the right to enforce them or remedy the violation. The Constitution provides for certain remedies that people can use to enforce their fundamental rights. A person can file a writ petition before the Supreme Court or concerned High Court to enforce their fundamental rights.1 The petition can be for the issue of any of the five types of constitutional remedies. The right to apply to the Supreme Court for constitutional remedies is also a fundamental right. 

  1. Articles 32(1) and 226,  Constitution of India, 1950. []

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Prasuijya Gogoi

August 21, 2022

I want to know more about WHAT IS CONSTITUTIONAL REMEDIES?


August 22, 2022

You can read the entire explainer on Constitutional Remedies here

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Payment for filing writ petitions

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