Vehicle Stop and Search

Last updated on Jun 16, 2022

Trigger Warning: The following content contains information on drugs and narcotics which some readers may find disturbing. 

If an authorised police officer has reason to believe that a vehicle or an animal is being used to transport narcotic drugs, psychotropic or controlled substances, he has the power to stop such vehicle or animal and search it accordingly. This power to stop includes all lawful means, including firing upon the vehicle or animal if necessary. 

Such a police officer would also have the power to compel an aircraft to land if he thinks it is necessary to carry out a search.

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Related Resources

Powers of police and authorities – Search, Seize and Arrest

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Government’s efforts for controlling drug abuse

The Central government has different schemes and centres for prevention of drug abuse as well as for the rehabilitation of addicts.

Consuming Drugs

Consuming banned drugs and substances is illegal in India and the punishment for this includes jail time  and/or fine. 

Immunity for addicts volunteering for treatment

If a convict in a drug-related crime for a small quantity, volunteers to undergo treatment for de-addiction, s/he will not be prosecuted.


The sale, manufacture, production, consumption or possession of Diazepam is punishable by jail time up to 20 years or a fine of up to 2 lakh.


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