Theft of Computer-Related Data

Last updated on Apr 8, 2022

Sometimes, your personal data stored on the computer may be stolen. This is also a form of theft.

Identity theft is the act when someone dishonestly steals and uses any unique identifying feature which belongs to you, such as your password, electronic signature, etc. For example, if someone steals your password and uses it to post a picture through your social media account. This is punishable with jail time of up to 3 years and a fine of Rs. 1 lakh.(( Section 66C, The Information Technology Act, 2000.))

Another theft of computer-related data refers to impersonation. Impersonation refers to when someone assumes a fake identity in order to deceive someone, by using some kind of a communication device. For example, if Ram pretends to be Sham online. This is punishable with jail time of up to 3 years and a fine of Rs. 1 lakh.(( Section 66D, The Information Technology Act, 2000.))

Complaining about Theft of Computer-Related Data

In case of theft of computer-related data, please see here to understand the processes involved.

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