Right to Information

Last updated on May 31, 2024

Every person with mental illness and their nominated representative have the right to information from the mental health professional. This includes the following information1:

  • Law on persons with mental illness under which the person has been admitted
  • Criteria for admission in a mental health establishment
  • Right to make an application to the Mental Health Review Board for a review of their admission
  • Information related to the person’s mental illness and the treatment plan as well as the side effects and to receive the information in a comprehensible language and manner
  • Right to apply to the professional2 to access medical records3. The records are supposed to be provided to the person within 15 days4. However, specific information in the records are not provided to the person with mental illness if it will result in serious harm to him or to anyone else5. To get such information, the person has to apply to the Mental Health Review Board for release of the information6.

Giving Complete Information

It is the duty of the professional to give complete information. This information is provided during admission or at the start of the treatment7:

  • Ensure that full information is provided promptly to the person when they are in a position to receive it
  • To give the information to the nominated representative immediately

The law punishes mental health establishment or any other person who violate these rights. The punishment is jail time of up to 6 months and/or a fine up to Rs. 10,000 for the first offence. For any subsequent offence, the jail time is up to 2  years and/or with a fine between Rs. 50,000 to 2 lakhs8. You should complain against such a person, or approach the Court with the help of a lawyer.

  1. Section 22(1), the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. []
  2. Section 6(2), the Mental Healthcare (Rights of Persons with Mental Illness) Rules, 2018. []
  3. Section 25(1),  the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, Section 6(1), The Mental Healthcare (Rights of Persons with Mental Illness) Rules, 2018. []
  4. Section 6(3), the Mental Healthcare (Rights of Persons with Mental Illness) Rules, 2018. []
  5. Section 25(2), the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. []
  6. Section 25(3),  the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. []
  7. Section 22(2),  the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. []
  8. Section 108,  the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017. []

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